I would like to issue a general apology

i have this feeling if i posted my old morgue/coroner posts certain people would start posting lame touchy feely stuff about how it hurt their feelings b/c they've been 'personally affected' etc etc.
the feeling of having to realize that is.... really depressing. and that is not me being funny. that's the truth.
nick come pick me up in this post. turn left at the post about josh's job. i'll be waiting on the corner. get me out of here.
a) huffing never helps it only hurts
b) pleeeeeease pleasepleaseplease post coroner stories
c) kitty star I think you're taking everything too seriously. YOU MUST CHILL. I HAVE HIDDEN YOUR KEYS.

too bad i can't find that pic i had before of the guy that shot his face off and lived.
Much like this older gentleman, we once received a rather close proximity gunshot self infliction to the temple. Unfortunately, the fellow wasn’t very popular and had sat in his lazy-boy for about 1.5 weeks before being discovered.

I spent about 7 hours of practicum time removing maggots from the hole. After doing so, I had over 1.3 pounds of maggots and flie poop.