Ian Gillan Says 'It's About Time' For Deep Purple To Begin Work On New Album


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
From roadrunnerrecords.com
DEEP PURPLE, one of Britain's foremost hard rock bands, took part in a press conference yesterday (Tuesday, February 22) in Mexico City ahead of the group's short tour of Mexico.
When asked if there are any plans for DEEP PURPLE to record a new studio album soon, the band's vocalist, Ian Gillan, replied, "I guess it's about time, isn't it?! So we're gonna get together and have a writing session quite soon. And if we get excited, then we'll probably have another [album finished and ready for release] shortly after that. We'll see how it goes. But there's no plans. But I think we're getting poked by various connections who would like to see another DEEP PURPLE record. So I think it's about time."

I have consistently bought all their material since "Perfect Strangers", my question is do we really need a new album? ROTD was mediocre at most, specially after the brilliant "Bananas" (whcih IMO should have been their swan song, bands do need to know when to retire).

Well will see.
I'll certainly not fault you for your opinion, but I liked Rapture of the Deep, a lot actually. With that said, nah, we don't really desperately need another album - haha. They've been following the same basic formula since Perfect Strangers.
What we really need is another In Rock or Fireball. And more, what we really, really need is Ritchie Blackmore to get his electric guitar out of mothballs.
And more, what we really, really need is Ritchie Blackmore to get his electric guitar out of mothballs.

Ain't gonna happen. Gillan stated some time ago in an interview when mentioned about Blackmore (and he got pretty mad at it) that it was a final divorce and you don't talk about your ex.

On other other hand I feel that Ritchie at his age too (let's remember than the only "young" member of the band is Morse, that's why Lord also retired), feels more confortable playing soft guitar on Blackmore's Night (and probably playing hard on her :devil:).

Probably we will all love a final type of reunion album (like Black Sabbath did) and then a total retirement, but I doubt we ever see the Mk.II again.
I'll certainly not fault you for your opinion, but I liked Rapture of the Deep, a lot actually. With that said, nah, we don't really desperately need another album - haha. They've been following the same basic formula since Perfect Strangers.
What we really need is another In Rock or Fireball.

You'll never get another In Rock or Fireball. The guys are not in their 20s anymore. Like you'll never get another Ride The Lightning.

I thought Rapture Of The Deep was pretty good overall, with only a few clunkers.

I don't agree that the band follows the same formula since Perfect Strangers though. I don't think The Battle Rages On, Purpendicular and Bananas sound the same for example. Throw in Slaves And Masters as well, even though it was mostly too mellow.

I'm looking forward to a new Deep Purple disc myself.
I liked Rapture. Wouldn't mind a new album, but not really expecting it to be anything too remarkable.