Ibanez and seymour duncan pickups... allignment


Joe not so legend
Jun 5, 2009
So i recently putted Seymour Duncan SH-6b pickups in both my Ibanez RGD guitars. I thing i noticed here was the strings dont allign with the poles on the pickups. I expected this was caused by the bridge (Edge-Zero II w/ZPS3Fe). Maybe the strings are wider apart from each other?
Today i recieved my cheapass Ibanez XP330FX. Nice looking pointy guitar, the allignment of everything could be done better, but tho its cheap (300€), it plays very well and comfy. Also for that one i got myself a SH-6b. This one has a simple fixed bridge, and again, same issue here, strings dont allign to the poles. Tho all my guitars sound very good to me, except the higher (wich i barely play) sound abit dryer i think.
Is this with all you Seymour Duncan SH6 users the string dont allign like they should?
This is down to getting the right spaced pickups for your guitar (50/53mm). For most guitars these days you need to get 53mm (trem) spaced pickups even if the guitar itself has a hardtail bridge.

Don't sweat it too much though, I've heard that PRS guitars have 53mm bridges and come fitted with 50mm pickups, so I don't think it's a huge deal if they're mismatched.
On my Jackson Stealth Ex with Floyd Rose y get my screws a little higher over the strings where lays more distance from the center of the pole on the SD JB SH-4.
Yeah, 53mm also called F-spaced of Fender-spaced is what most bridges need. It's not a huge issue to use 50mm pickups in 53mm bridges though.
First time i hear the term: F-spaced. Used this as a keyword on thomann, i mainly got to see Dimarzio pickups (39) and only 3 seymour duncans. Why dont they make it all the same? Wont probably matter much for the sound, just looks abit cheap.
For Seymour Duncan, search for the term "Trembucker". Same as F-spaced. All Seymour Duncan pickups that are spaced for trems have TB instead of SH for the part number (ex: TB-4 is the trem spaced version of the SH-4 JB model).
Damn noob i am, why didnt i asked this after i installed the first one. Always thought trembucker had something to do with more tremble.

where is this i shoot my own head smilie?
First time i hear the term: F-spaced. Used this as a keyword on thomann, i mainly got to see Dimarzio pickups (39) and only 3 seymour duncans. Why dont they make it all the same? Wont probably matter much for the sound, just looks abit cheap.
Sorry, Duncan uses the term Trembucker, DiMarzio used the term F-spaced.
Legitimately lol'ed there :D It's "treble," Joe ;)

Where did i get that 'M' from. There is at this very moment an amp standing next to me, not even a meter removed from my head, with the word treble on it... first time i actually took a good look at it... the word. I think i have some form of dislection, i can read stuff wich inst there. The reason i thought this one had more TREBLE, is based on ola's video, the TB6 has more treble there then the SH6. I also mixed it up with Dimebucker wich was in the same guitar, wich sounded horrible...
My main language isnt english, so... ye :eek:

i wish i could delete the whole thread to hide my noobism