Ibanez Tube Amp


Alabama Man
Jan 30, 2005
Berkeley, CA
You seen this yet? Ibanez Tube Amp

Yeah I'm curious to try this amp out as well. Though I must say, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Peavey Joe Satriani JSX head!! SWEET SHIT!!!
metalgtr84 said:
You seen this yet? Ibanez Tube Amp


Well I was invited down to the Ibanez L.A office to demo this amp today, and was really surprised at the tone quality. It has 2 channels one classic and one modern.
The first channel will go from sparkling clean to a gritty Marshall Tone and do both well. It has your usual EQ, Gain, and Volume, and adds a three position bright switch that works really well.
The second will go from gritty to heavy gain and has a very Dual Rectifier sound about it. It comes with the usual EQ, Gain, Volume, and adds a damping switch witch compresses the sound a lot adding more gain.

If I had to sum this amp up I would say it sounds like a Dual Rectifier with more gain, and a better clean channel. While this amp doesn't break any new ground it does offer someone on a buget a good sounding tube amp and a great price.
Chris_Broderick said:

Well I was invited down to the Ibanez L.A office to demo this amp today, and was really surprised at the tone quality. It has 2 channels one classic and one modern.
The first channel will go from sparkling clean to a gritty Marshall Tone and do both well. It has your usual EQ, Gain, and Volume, and adds a three position bright switch that works really well.
The second will go from gritty to heavy gain and has a very Dual Rectifier sound about it. It comes with the usual EQ, Gain, Volume, and adds a damping switch witch compresses the sound a lot adding more gain.

If I had to sum this amp up I would say it sounds like a Dual Rectifier with more gain, and a better clean channel. While this amp doesn't break any new ground it does offer someone on a buget a good sounding tube amp and a great price.

But is it better than the 15-watter at the studio? That's what I want to know! ;)
Great hearing that Mike Taft and the gang at Ibanez are taking excellent care of you! Being asked to demo the new amp head must've been a treat! I get my turn to demo it in October for my next clinic here in NJ!!