Iced Earth Dvd


Wel, the thing has been pushed back until January 2005, I don't know what the hang up is. I mean the live footage was in the can, it was just of piecing it together. And yeah there was the matter of Schaffer doing his "tour" of Gettysburg... Any momentum that they had was lost, when Schaffer cancelled the World Tour & now, we wait. I wil still get the dvd, but I wonder who is the one managing the band? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you need to have your name out there or else someone will step in & take your place...
All opinion man. I like Matt much more than Tim, but its my opinion.

I dunno. I have high expectationd for this DVD. Mark is doing it, and I'm sure there is a lot of work being done on it. But personally, I dont want a history lesson. I want metal.
If I want to listen to a story I'll put on one of my King Diamond cds.
I must agree with anyone who would say that Barlow owns Ripper's ass all over the place...however, that is niether here nor there since Barlow left of his own accord. He chose to exit the band and he did. No use whining over what's already done...Ripper has come in and done an admirable job! I believe that Gettysburg, despite not having Barlow as the vocalist, is one of the best Iced Earth "songs" ever...
Ayreon Guardian X said:
I must agree with anyone who would say that Barlow owns Ripper's ass all over the place...however, that is niether here nor there since Barlow left of his own accord. He chose to exit the band and he did. No use whining over what's already done...Ripper has come in and done an admirable job! I believe that Gettysburg, despite not having Barlow as the vocalist, is one of the best Iced Earth "songs" ever...

hey... finally we get a RATIONAL comment in the forum rather than whine about the band. I totally agree with you, Barlow was great but he's not in the band anymore. Its as basic as this: If you don't like them then don't post here... Now watch we're gonna get messages from anonymousnick2001 and Iced Inflames on how much they suck now according to them....

The trilogy is okay.. I would give it a 7.5 out of 10. The rest of the album deserves a 3....

Also, maybe am I concerned when you talk about people who don't like the band. You're kinda wrong, we like the band, but what they have done in the past, let's say, 6 years is nothing compared to what they have done before. Horror show might be the exception, cause I really liked it.
I stopped posting in this forum a long time ago, because it is lame. And because Iced Earth started to suck a long time ago. Get over it. They suck. Don't buy there records, let the band die...