Iced Earth - Horror Show...


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
...erm, at the risk of being barred from ever entering the Groovy Metal Fan Club, I have to admit to not seeing what all the fuss is about with this album.

I will admit, it sounds *great*, but it just sounds like typical Iced Earth to me... nothing outstanding.

Am I missing something? :confused:
While the sound is typical Iced Earth, it has been refined, IMO. I think the little added bits by Steve Digiorgio's bass add a lot to the sound, as well as the improved drumming of Richard Christy. I don't know; it just seems tighter to me. I can see that people might not think it is their best (although I do think it is), but I don't see how some people (we've discussed it in the Nevermore forum) think it sucks. To me, it is Iced Earth, turned to 11.
very true, i believe their sound has improved greatly, and i'm looking very much forward to their next set abominae record, whenever that may be, even though i was disappointed with horror show (basically because i thought it was going to be faster), i still love it
It's unmistakenly Iced Earth - i.e. they didn't reinvent their sound or anything. So a fan of the band will sure like it. Those who didn't like them before won't like this either.

I liked it quite a bit but they'll need to use some new riffs on the next one. ;)

I just pre-ordered the box set at The End Records. I wonder when that comes out...
i need to order the boxset too. but iced earth isn't as bad as people say with recycling riffs. have you heard their cover for long way to the top by ac/dc yet? it's the same simple riff played over and over again. although they did a kick ass job with it.
It's probably out of nostalgia that I prefer Night Of The Storm Rider, but together with Burnt Offerings, Horroshow is my personal Runner Up to the throne.

It's way better than both Something Wicked and The Dark Saga, and I for one was peasently surprised, thinking at first that I wouldn't even buy the "new Iced Earth", but when I actually heard the Album, I knew I have to get it.
I think it's really good!! One of their best albums actually! It's a great, as the title says, show!!
I think this duet with Matt and the girl (which i don't remember the name of) on "The Phantom Opera Ghost" is awesome!!

I get shivers down my spine! :)