Iced Earth - Major News - Confirmation

Seventh Son

Zero Salvation
Apr 16, 2001
Sydney, Australia
This again comes from

ICED EARTH  Horror Of Horrors!  2001/05/03

On the eve of releasing Horror Show, Iced Earth founder/guitarist John Schaffer announced that Steve DiGorgio (bass) was no longer in the band. Just months before, the talented DiGorgio was heralded as the final piece in a seemingly never ending struggle to maintain a solid line-up. Needless to say, the timing has thrown a wrench into the plans! "From the beginning," states the guitarist, "I told him if he didn't want to tour, then I didn't want him on the album. My manager and myself tried to get in touch for three or four weeks, but got nothing back, then we get a fax, from a bogus manager of Steve DiGorgio, saying he couldn't do the tour because of previous commitments. Look at his personal thanks list, the whole thing was self-promotion for him."
In a surprising move, for live dates Schaffer might pick up the bass and have former guitarist, James MacDonough handle guitar! "Jimmy's more than willing to come out and do the touring, but it would be on a temporary basis, until we find a permanent replacement (for DiGorgio). We're supposed to start touring in August, out on the East coast, then Mexico and Europe, three or four months straight. We have some time, but if we do the cover tune album, the re-mixes of the early albums and the tribute would all have to be done before the tour starts. That's a lot of work. We're getting down to the wire here. If Century Media doesn't sign by Friday (May 4th), then I think (the proposed box set) be off. I'm leaving for the European promotional tour next Wednesday and when I get back from that, I have to go to the Indy 500 and then fly down to Morrissound for the remixes of the first three albums. Then the two of us (he and Jim Morris, producer) would fly up to Indiana, to immediately start recording the cover tunes in my house. We'd have to start in early June and be finished by the third week in July, so we'd have to do the entire record here, then start rehearsing to go on the road. It's going to be pretty packed!"

Strange move from John, to play bass. As James used to play bass for them, not guitar.
Steve sounds like a bit of a wanker to me now, at least jon can say he stated the facts to him before he joined the band.
I think steve harris should fill in while he has time off from maiden :D

Us iced earth fans seem to be taking over the board! Argh!! :)
This is from Brave Words as well:

The first pressing of ICED EARTH's forthcoming album, Horror Show, will be released as a limited edition featuring a cover of IRON MAIDEN's 'Transylvania' and an exclusive interview with guitarist/mainman Jon Schaffer.

Just wanted to get into the "posting Iced Earth news" act :)
WHAT! I wouldn't like that move... if I go to see Iced Earth, I want Jon on rhythm guitar! He is my favourite rhythm guitarist!
Originally posted by The Trooper
WHAT! I wouldn't like that move... if I go to see Iced Earth, I want Jon on rhythm guitar! He is my favourite rhythm guitarist!

I agree, that bit sounds a little strange to me.....they must have gotten it wrong, why the hell would he bring back the old bass player to play guitar?? Wierd. Theres no way james could possibly be as good as jon on guitar as well, so the performance would suffer.
I think you are right seventh son, maybe he said james would come back on guitar (meaning bass guitar) and the guy got it mixed up. At least this means that james wasnt fired on bad terms or anything, if he is willing to help out jon they must still be firends.
Originally posted by spawn
maybe he said james would come back on guitar (meaning bass guitar) and the guy got it mixed up

I think that must be what happened, coz it would just be too weird for Jon to play bass and a bass player to play guitar, and I really doubt that he could be near as good as Jon on guitar....tho we may be wrong...
Jason Newstead may be looking for a job? They should get him on bass,
I reckon that would rule.

Originally posted by Gavin
Jason Newstead may be looking for a job? They should get him on bass,
I reckon that would rule.

Gavin, that makes so much sense its ridiculous! Great idea! :D
Not only would they get a unreal bass player, it would bring a lot of media attention to Iced Earth
Crossy, do you mean dracula (dragons child) ? If you do i have that one, if you DONT however, let me know, PLEASE!!!!! :D

Seventh Son: It would be interesting to hear steves side of things, but it seems pretty cut and dried to me (at the moment anyway), even before steve joined jon was saying he wanted someone to tour as well as record, it will be interesting to see what steve says!
haha, i meant i have dracula, but if you get any OTHER new iced earth songs, please let me know :)
I agree kem, jons the only original member left, thus he can call it his band :D (plus the fact that he writes just about all the songs prolly helps :lol: )
He probably can be difficult actually, now you mention it aces! But im sure he is getting sick of playing musical chairs with the bass and drums! :D