Iced Earth news...

I'm not knocking any of these guys. However, when you consider the big name players he's brought in (Tim Owens, Richard Christy, Steve DiGiorgio), the guitar players aren't of similar fame or talent level.

General Zod said:
I'm not knocking any of these guys. However, when you consider the big name players he's brought in (Tim Owens, Richard Christy, Steve DiGiorgio), the guitar players aren't of similar fame or talent level.


oh, I knew you weren't knocking Shawver. I was simply adding my two cents that he was the best lead guitar player to date that Iced Earth had. That's all.

Tarnowski was 'ok' - I never saw him on stage, but the lead guitar work on SWTWC was lackluster at best and Horror Show wasn't much better. I don't know if it was Jon holding him back or if he was really that bad. But it doesn't hold a candle to the earlier material produced by Shawver. That is the IE sound I know and love.

I didn't even know who Santolla was when they came through ATL for the 'Burden tour. Jon never introduced him. But like someone else said above - he had ZERO stage presence anyway. *shrug*

I liked Tarnowski. I thought he did a good job. But yeah, Shawver is great. Too bad he's not with the band. I don't know what kind of 'big name' that is out there that Jon could pick up though. Can you think of any freelancers that are available to join the band?
meh, I used to be the biggest IE fan, meeting Jon at PP III was one of the highlights of my life(at least back then) but I've lost alittle faith in him as a songwriter.

the revolving door of musicians hasnt helped my opinion of him either. his two best bandmates left Barlow and christy left for better pastures, funny that they left just when he got his big pay raise when signing with whatever record company he is in now...then glorious burden, same riffs, same melodies, uninspired drumming, and plain vocals, yes plain. barlow could hit the high and the very lows, ripper can scream but what else can he do?

sad to say, i hope jon has come back refreshed from all that time he was out of the scene since GB. I hope the Something Wicked saga continues where it left off musically, and i hope ripper can hit the emotional highs and lows required for jon's particular brand of songwriting
edgeofthorns said:
Triumphant comeback? Still hangin' on to Barlow huh? :rolleyes:

Ripper is fan-f*cking-tastic! In fact, it is Ripper's albums that got me into Priest. And Glorious Burden was nowhere near a weak album. But GOD DAMN, Barlow was just amazing. Talk about dynamic.
Ripper does have that ability and it is evident on the last album, he just seems to spend a bit too much time in the screaming part of the spectrum.

I have been waiting for this epic FOREVER! I remember it was supposed to follow Horror Show, as that was only to be an "interlude" album before a deep undertaking of the Something Wicked epic.
I never seem to be disappointed with Jon's work, and I have been ecstatically anticipating this, beings Something Wicked is my favorite album of all time. (<-- PERIOD)

It might be kind of thrilling if either Barlow made a guest appearance (perhaps as a character in the story on a couple songs) or if as a "bonus" the Something Wicked trilogy was re-recorded with Ripper.
TBJ said:
meh, I used to be the biggest IE fan, meeting Jon at PP III was one of the highlights of my life(at least back then) but I've lost alittle faith in him as a songwriter.

the revolving door of musicians hasnt helped my opinion of him either. his two best bandmates left Barlow and christy left for better pastures, funny that they left just when he got his big pay raise when signing with whatever record company he is in now...then glorious burden, same riffs, same melodies, uninspired drumming, and plain vocals, yes plain. barlow could hit the high and the very lows, ripper can scream but what else can he do?

sad to say, i hope jon has come back refreshed from all that time he was out of the scene since GB. I hope the Something Wicked saga continues where it left off musically, and i hope ripper can hit the emotional highs and lows required for jon's particular brand of songwriting

Ripper Owens once filled the shoes of Rob Halford, who I contend can hit the entire spectrum of highs and lows better than anyone else in Metal, and he more than met that challenge.
On the Jugulator tour Priest started their set w/ "Breaking The Law" and where Halford had gone high Ripper went low. I thought "He can't do it. He can't go high like Halford." On the next song he just about shattered my eardrums. I don't know why, maybe he was just teasing... messing with the audience's mind, but my first impression of Ripper was that he was a low singer.
Priest's Demolition CD is full of Ripper going low: One On One, Jekyll and Hyde, and Subterfuge are 3 ass kicker examples. If Ripper didn't go low enough to suit some people on TGB I'd say it's because the songwriter wanted the songs sung a certain way. Jon is supposed to be the "artistic genious" of the band after all. No way, no how is it a lack of ability on Ripper's part.
Magius said:
Ripper Owens once filled the shoes of Rob Halford, who I contend can hit the entire spectrum of highs and lows better than anyone else in Metal, and he more than met that challenge.
While I'm one of the biggest Barlow fanboys on the planet, I think these Barlow vs. Ripper discussions are a waste of bandwidth. Both are phenomenal singers, just different. While Owens has low range, he sounds weak singing some of Barlow's older material. Conversely, Barlow wouldn't have been able to deliver all that Owens did, in the high range, on TGB. All that said, it will be interesting to hear how the new Iced Earth songs sound, now that Jon is writing specifically for Tim and Tim has a chance to involve himself in the creative process. These two CDs have the potential to be incredibly special. I for one have not lost confidence in Jon. I almost feel that he's been holding back since SWTWC, knowing full well that this two-CD story would be his masterpiece.

General Zod said:
While I'm one of the biggest Barlow fanboys on the planet, I think these Barlow vs. Ripper discussions are a waste of bandwidth. Both are phenomenal singers, just different.

I am a huge Ripper fanboy now, cuz Gettysburg just slays me. When Longstreet's arguing with Lee, that's one emotional passage. Ripper's singing as softly as possible, yet sounds furious and impatient. Just like a good actor, he plays the role with his lyrics so well. And the beginning of Hold At All Costs, that's sad, man. Tearjerker sad. It's so painful. I love it.

I love his work on Waterloo and Red Baron Blue Max. He's singing with such a powerful voice, and when he screams, it's like icing on the cake in those songs.

I have complete faith in Ripper. The Glorious Burden was his test. He wasn't a member of the band. He wasn't familiar with Jon's stylings. Also, he'll be part of the writing process, not just a fill-in singer like the last album. Jon's gonna write these songs knowing Ripper's range, abilities, and character.

And that's gonna be a terrifying combination!
General Zod said:
While I'm one of the biggest Barlow fanboys on the planet, I think these Barlow vs. Ripper discussions are a waste of bandwidth. Both are phenomenal singers, just different....
Ummm, yeah. They're both good singers, but I wasn't comparing the two. TJB posted that Ripper can't sing low. I strongly disagree with that.
As to which can do what better, people can decide for themselves.
Magius said:
Ummm, yeah. They're both good singers, but I wasn't comparing the two. TJB posted that Ripper can't sing low. I strongly disagree with that.
And I wasn't referring to your comments specifically, just the whole Ripper vs. Barlow thing in general.

While I can't say I have much interest in Iced Earth lately myself, it does interest me the thought of a new IE record. Maybe by the time this album the seperation anxiety of our lost Barlow god will have gotten a little less painful. That is, if that will ever happen. I'm sure it's going to be a great record, and especially consideing it will be more darker than Glorious Burden's "AMERICA!! FUCK YEAH!" theme. Iced Earth are at their best when they are waving angered fists at a spiteful god and wailing over a flame engulfed existence. Haha, Cheers!!

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