iced earth reccomendations?

You should get "Night of the Stormrider", "The Dark Saga", "Burnt Offerings", and "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Oh and the first Iced Earth album as well. ;)

But the first one I recommend after "Horror Show" is "Night of the Stormrider".
Don't bother buying Something Wicked nor The Glorious Burden... both are generic metal with nothing impressive on it. Download the trilogy for each album and you'll be fine. All their other albums are worth your money.
scud said:
if your a fan of 80s thrash and trad heavy metal (like maiden), no need to listen to any iced earth. their songs are just cut and paste from other bands' songs. one of the worst bands ever!

Because I'm sure you have Waco Jesus on that list too.
Psychonaut said:
I would go with Night of the Stormrider or Burnt Offerings.

I'd second this. Burnt Offerings has a more modern production and heavier sound that is more similar to Horror Show, so you might want to try it first.