Iced Earth show at HOB


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
It went well! The crowd loved us which I was kinda worried about being that it was basically power metal bands and us lol, but it was a great night. It was an honor playing with such great bands and I have to say I had never heard Sabaton before and they blew me away! I was glued to their entire performance and immediately checked out their music on youtube, bam instant new fan! Streamed a whole album on youtube and wow I am going to buy it immediately...anyone else here a fan of them? Iced Earth was good I couldn't stop watching Jon Dette play drums he's a friggin beast his feet are unbelievable. Revamp played right after us so I missed them as I was loading my gear:erk:I took some clips from our merch table here's one of Sabaton when they discovered a little kid in the crowd, they were so cool and brought him on stage that kid was so stoked! I took some vid of Jon playing drums ill try to upload it when I can, great night!!:headbang:
I had the same reaction to Sabaton. I had never heard them before, but was impressed.

Really cool clip!