Iced Earth?


Nov 21, 2002
I told a friend to listen to Iced Earth's Wolf from Horror show.
After he heard the song he telled me that the drummer had no feeling in his playing and the guitarplayer REALLY sucked!
Can he possible be serious about that, what do u think?
People see different things in bands. I for once, think Rhapsody are totally cheesy, with annoying vox and that Turilli exaggerates. Other people see heroes in them. Other people listen to Rhapsody 24/7, for good morning and goodnight.

SAme thing's with Iced Earth. It's the sort of music I'd wanna play (what I'd like to sing is something else) and I feel like total headbanging when I hear them! Jon Schaffer is a great player, and the other guys are excellent too! But some people may like his playing, may find a feeling in it, some may not...
when it comes to technical style and difficulty of riffs, Iced Earth lacks in comparison to most bands, But the reason most of us hold them in high esteem is the overall sound with which they bring. That and the uncompromisable talents of their singer Matthew Barlow, who I find to be my favorite vocalist of all time. Even though the licks are simplistic, and most any guitarist can nail the solos, the songs are still fun to play, and they get the proper feelings across with their songs.
I was thinking of the rythm guitar. Mr Schaffer is incredible(is that the right word?). Richard Kristy and mr Schaffer are very tight.
And by the way, he also said that Matt Barlow sounded like a popstar from England.
I was thinking of the rythm guitar. Mr Schaffer is incredible(is that the right word?). Richard Kristy and mr Schaffer are very tight.
And by the way, he also said that Matt Barlow sounded like a popstar from England.:p
Yeah, I always try and stay true to the addage of "To each their own" but occasionally I wanna smack someone when they say something foolish. A smack would be in order for the Iced Earth thing. I could see someone not liking Barlow, but Schaffer? Wow, he's one of the tightest rhythm players ever. He's nuts. And therefore awesome. Eh, oh well.

Hey, I always bring this one up-I hate Zeppelin cuz of Plant, but for some reason, I worship David Coverdale of Whitesnake-a lot of people think he's the biggest Plant ripoff ever, and I wholly disagree. Theyre both British R&B influenced singers that are about the same age, from the same era. Plant just got more famous early on, so Coverdale got the bad rap. A damn shame.
I think that Horrow show had some of their most complex songwriting, with more transitions and a really good mix of clean and heavy parts. oh well, as vienyard said, to each his own.
Hmm, I say that to be good, you don't have to play the hardest thing possible. Today, when all good riffs are done already, I think it's a major feat to make a simple song sound as great as Iced Earth's stuff without ripping it from someone else. That is true greatness to me. So tell your friend that he can reevaluate his view of the world, cause technical playing isn't all there is to a good song. Dammit, this is metal, not jazz (and you know you can't spell jazz without "azz" :rolleyes: ). :D
Damn ye, one of my faves is the Melancholy EP. You assholes can't tell me that those songs are written without feeling, or at least played without it. They are pretty talented folks and the vocals are supreme. But about that comment about Rhapsody...FUCK YOU! lol i love Rhapsody. Most cheesy it is but it's just great. Talented group of Italians with a dude named Fabio, lol that name always makes me laugh. Turilli doesn't overdo anything! He's just in his own little world my friend, a world in which he has sucked in many others as there are many more to follow.
Originally posted by DisTortorous
Damn ye, one of my faves is the Melancholy EP. You assholes can't tell me that those songs are written without feeling, or at least played without it. They are pretty talented folks and the vocals are supreme. But about that comment about Rhapsody...FUCK YOU! lol i love Rhapsody. Most cheesy it is but it's just great. Talented group of Italians with a dude named Fabio, lol that name always makes me laugh. Turilli doesn't overdo anything! He's just in his own little world my friend, a world in which he has sucked in many others as there are many more to follow.

She stated her opinion any problem with that?:rolleyes: And I gotta agree with it, even though I enjoy some of their songs (4 at most) I gotta say that they got a shit load of cheese and that they are an average band IMO.
They arent as good as some other bands in that genre, But I happen to like some of thier shit, Some people do, Some dont, we are all entitled;)