Iced Earth's next CD will probably be a LOTR tribute


Perpetually In A Zone
Jun 13, 2003
San Antonio
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Either that or the Matrix trilogy, you know Jon Schaffer loves shit like and I don't think the next album's theme will be based on real life because it can't get any more realistic than patriotism. I'm looking forward to his next grand idea.
.............what? mentioned in the 2nd post....there's a little concept that Jon has been working on...and wrote a trilogy about it.....yeah..................seriously, you didn't know? No, you're just being an idiot, correct? Must be.
Hey, I don't know everything Jon does, I'm a relatively new fan, I just thought the LOTR thing would be interesting. Anyways, what's the Wicked trilogy, didn't he already do that? Sorry for being so ignorant, but I'm trying to get better
Hmm....interesting. Well, the Something Wicked Trilogy was on Something Wicked This Way Comes, and it was the beginning of the Something Wicked concept. The next cd is going to be the rest of the story. I hope it's better than The Glorious Burden. One can only hope.
Jon already said the next cd will be about the Something Wicked saga.

If you want a Lord of the Rings metal album get Nightfall in Middle Earth by Blind Guardian.

Also I pray to God that Jon never does anything Matrix related. After that horrible display of dog feces drenched in urine of a movie called Matrix Revolutions, there should be no tributes from any metal band towards that waste of 2 hours of a movie.
I like Glorious Burden, but it's not a cd I'm going to grab to listen to. It's just....boring. There's nothing that really catches my attention....EXCEPT Gettysburg. HOLY FUCK! Now that catches my attention and much more. It might just be Iced Earth's best.