I'd like to think i'm a decent mixer.


Chuck Finley
May 19, 2012
here's a song i re-recorded on a whim.

I would like to hear what you think, feedback is very much appreciated, and it would do my self esteem good to hear that i've done well, but if you must be brutal, then do so.

Guitars are a mixture of tones from my POD X3
Bass is also done with POD.
Vocals recorded with a Rode NT1-A.

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It's just missing that thickness that it needs.. I can' really tell you how to get that back in there, because I've never had to deal with a lack of it. And like he said it's hard to tell whether there is bass in there or not.
Okay, i did a quick half assed attempt at fixing that lack of bass problem, and i'm on headphones so it's probably crap, but still.

i eq'd the bass a little more on the low end, and i also ran it and the guitars though a bus with a light compressor applied to sort of glue it together a bit.

Any better?

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thats better. you could also add bass to that kick, so snappy, could be thumpy, you got plenty of room down there
Maybe try running a parallel compressed track for bass or just a track exclusively for the bass' low end.

The kick could also have its low end enhanced, like medic said.
Okay, i went in a parallel comped the bass drum and gave it a lot more low end punch. What do you guys think?

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