somebody can try to get a decent pod tone with this di??

hey, thanks to try it.;)
i like Rex Rocker tone and zvish tone needs more presence...

Rex Rocker, that tone is more FTFD and i love it.;) could you make some new tests? i noticed in Miss May I tone there is less drive and less mids. i´d like to listen to your try.:):):)

more examples?
yes man.sincerely i like two tones.
did you make some post-processing or it is only pod farm with your tone?
i like miss may i ''forgive...'' song in 1:02.i like that guitar tone.
some possibility to see your settings in those two tones?
and more tests would be appreciated.
Sure thing, man!

This is the patch, I based it around the patch that I use to record my stuff: pod tone.l6t

I just took my usual guitar track preset and my DAW that I use for my own stuff, so yeah, there is some post-processing done. Just slight EQ'ing, tho.

Hipass and Lopass at 80 and 12KHz respectively, 4dB cut @2KHz with a slope of 10.0, 1.5dB boost @5KHz with a slope of 1.0... and to get it scoopier, like you wanted, I did a 3dB cut @1KHz with a slope of 1.0.
I was trying to decide whether to post this or not cuz I didnt wanna come in and crap up your thread with uselessness since you want a pod tone but Ive been using this DI to fart around with new heads being released this week. For this one I used TSS - Knucklehead - catharsis fredman preshigh - Xcomp - REq. The podtones def sound pretty bassey but more controlled in the mid to high area. I keep hearing this weird, almost feedbackish thing happening around 8 seconds and then later around 18 seconds into the clip but I cant pinpoint the frequency enough to drop it without compromising some of the tone. Just leaving it for feedbacks sake. Very tightly played too which is why it was good to work with. itll be the first one on the list.
i like those tones and i´d like to listen more.:P
a different pod tone. i can get similar tones with pod farm and my xt pro.;)

i don´t understand why my guitar makes harmonics when i play mute riffs (in 0 note)...

thanks for patch Rex Rocker