For some reason, I've never got pod farm to emulate the bass tone I really like. I don't know what the trick is, but whenever I try it, it just sounds muddy.
Although, Joey, I would like to know how you reached those mad subs on bass in the AA album
Bass ESP Ltd-F104 with 2 EMG 35-DC active pickups.
Preamp/Interface Line6 Toneport UX2 (Pad input).
This is a pretty old thread, I can do another shot if you like. Just throw me some quick bass DI that I can reamp through my real BDDI and then match the DI with POD Farm. I did some extensive testing for the new Mokafix Bass Driver and this should be pretty fun.
Bass ESP Ltd-F104 with 2 EMG 35-DC active pickups.
Preamp/Interface Line6 Toneport UX2 (Pad input).
This is a pretty old thread, I can do another shot if you like. Just throw me some quick bass DI that I can reamp through my real BDDI and then match the DI with POD Farm. I did some extensive testing for the new Mokafix Bass Driver and this should be pretty fun.
For some reason, I've never got pod farm to emulate the bass tone I really like. I don't know what the trick is, but whenever I try it, it just sounds muddy.
Although, Joey, I would like to know how you reached those mad subs on bass in the AA album
Something like this? Its your song with only pods. and some joeystuff..
I really like this bass sound, and NSGUITARS Gibson Ripper sounds extra nice with a boost at 2100hz.
Something like this? Its your song with only pods. and some joeystuff..
I really like this bass sound, and NSGUITARS Gibson Ripper sounds extra nice with a boost at 2100hz.