Idiot surfer

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002


this cracked me up too


And why is it always the bassist who's the fuckup in the band?

well im sure she looked for the surfer with the most blank eyed expression and asked him something like, "what does it feel like to ride one of these crazy waves?" and he answered like a spaced out surfer dude. its like expecting a black person with gold teeth to get interviewed and come off as intelligent (though, admittedly that usually does make me laugh).
with the bassist one... i love how the slow-motion replay completely cuts the bassist out of the picture.


I hate those slow-motion replays. They're annoying as fuck, especially when they are done multiple times in a single video. I mean c'mon, I've seen what needs to be seen, do I really give a fuck about a slow-motion replay?