Insane Vent thread

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Holy crap, this shit cracked me up...this is the most insane vent I've ever heard. :lol:

I don't know what's funnier, his seriousness or her crying, :lol:


This one's classic too...

But this one's my favorite...I love when the scousers get pissed, it cracks me up.

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da spirit of troof! way better than angry rpg nerds. there is more than 2:34 of footage of that guy on youtube, seek it out for more lolz!
Holy shit :lol: The fact that it's only that ridiculous woman getting trolled while the other guys in the server find it funny just perfects it :lol:
Before I even click 'play' :
Would I even be able to get the humor in this, as I have never played WoW nor seen this game on a screen more than once, over 8 years ago?

It has nothing to do with a video game and everything to do with people throwing shit at each other over Ventrilo. There's nothing to get, just hearing idiots making asses of themselves and losing their minds over stupid shit.
Hahaha, I haven't seen that Duke Nukem one in a long while. Never gets old.