Klingons on Uranus
Dead_Lioness said:you are absolutely right.
Im not talking about all christians....
for me religion is something personal
if only some of them could keep it to themselves- the world could have been a happier place (same for jews and muslims)
the problem starts when they try to force ME to see things as they see them
and then, i will absolutely come out and say: "FUCK U ALL"
fuck the mormons, fuck the katholic- i dont care!
stop making me look and feel "so precious" it was just a BOOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know, in Europe something like that would have been forgotten after a day, but here- people start blaming heros like Haward Stern (lovveeee him)
and my fav store like Victoria Secret wtf???
so yeah, fuck them all .

God I was so sick of hearing about her goddamn tit on tv. I was like what the fuck kind of country are we that we cannot handle a tit on tv.