
wow... this is beyond stupid. Does every child in the states get a lobotomy after birth or is it just my impression of the american society ?

to elaborate:

* kids must be mentally challenged or had their brain turned into putty by other substances if they're trippin on sine waves.
* parents must be demented if they think that this is in any way serious or dangerous.
* the media must be deliberately stupefying people, but that's nothing new

Maybe they'll ban monophonic synthesizers right now ?
If they ban pink noise I'll be fuckin' pissed, how will I calibrate my monitors :D Oh, and it does have a subtle calming effect due to being kinda reminiscent of rushing water.
Man I tried the I-doser crap some years ago for fun.. total rip off (but then again I must admit I dident actual buy it, thank god). :yuk:

Never underestimate the effects of placebo :zzz:
wow... this is beyond stupid. Does every child in the states get a lobotomy after birth or is it just my impression of the american society ?

I think it's safe to say it's not only your impression of American society.
Gotta wonder how a Canadian feels about it, let alone an Australian like me or a Polish dude like yourself.
couple of points:

Binaural Beats are nothing new and is a scientifically proven phenomena. Just look it up if you're behind on the times

American Media jumps over everything, why, well the reporters have a job to do, they must find stories, unfortunately nothing around here is of most interest to people so they real you in by creating these false "horror" stories to get people's attention and earn their paycheck (although, not a very honest one)

The company that makes the idosage is taking binaural beats, saying that they can have heavy narcotics effects, kids get their hands on them, placebo effect (especially depending what frequency the beat is) and now you have drugs inside your head, all because some company wanted to make a cheap buck.

Parents not having enough drama in their lives like its something they need to complete their lives, listen to everything the media says without a grain of salt and freak the fuck out, all because the media is trying to make a quick buck from a company trying to scam people for money on essentially a placebo effect.

Its a vicious cycle really.

The validity of binaural beats will be ruined by the whole thing, but I guarantee you that the moms freaking out about their kids doing idosing are using binaural beats when they are meditating at yoga. Then you have the conspiracy theorists shouting that binaural beats are a way for big brother to brainwash you with their secret Freemason/Illuminati agenda by hypnosis.

Either way, binaural beats aren't evil, and can actually be a good thing if you know how to use them correctly. Until then American will be too gullible to actually be valuable to society.
"I tried pot, but didn't inhale."

"I tried crack, but only did half a line."

"I did ecstasy but only did half a pill."

"I iDosed, but only had one ear bud in."

Okay kids, one of these things is not like the others!
wow... this is beyond stupid. Does every child in the states get a lobotomy after birth or is it just my impression of the american society ?

to elaborate:

* kids must be mentally challenged or had their brain turned into putty by other substances if they're trippin on sine waves.
* parents must be demented if they think that this is in any way serious or dangerous.
* the media must be deliberately stupefying people, but that's nothing new

Maybe they'll ban monophonic synthesizers right now ?
If they ban pink noise I'll be fuckin' pissed, how will I calibrate my monitors :D Oh, and it does have a subtle calming effect due to being kinda reminiscent of rushing water.

Silly americans :lol:

yah, us 'merkans 'r stooopit.
FTR, when I tried iDoser (several different doses,) it didn't work for me whatsoever.. The only thing that came out of it was feeling a little groggy since I just shut my eyes for 15 minutes and laid there.
couple of points:

Binaural Beats are nothing new and is a scientifically proven phenomena. Just look it up if you're behind on the times....

Either way, binaural beats aren't evil, and can actually be a good thing if you know how to use them correctly. Until then American will be too gullible to actually be valuable to society.

Yeah, a college professor of mine was using it to treat autistic kids by inducing different brain states. It's actually a pretty widespread practice and was old when I learned about it 10 years ago.
FTR, when I tried iDoser (several different doses,) it didn't work for me whatsoever.. The only thing that came out of it was feeling a little groggy since I just shut my eyes for 15 minutes and laid there.


it was a waste of like an hour and a half combined between the doses. mild grogginess since I was laying there like an asshole but thats about it.
wow... this is beyond stupid. Does every child in the states get a lobotomy after birth or is it just my impression of the american society ?

to elaborate:

* kids must be mentally challenged or had their brain turned into putty by other substances if they're trippin on sine waves.
* parents must be demented if they think that this is in any way serious or dangerous.
* the media must be deliberately stupefying people, but that's nothing new

Maybe they'll ban monophonic synthesizers right now ?
If they ban pink noise I'll be fuckin' pissed, how will I calibrate my monitors :D Oh, and it does have a subtle calming effect due to being kinda reminiscent of rushing water.

Dude you are really beginning to get on my fucking nerves with your Anti-America bullshit.

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