IE/SX show attendees....


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Seems like the our target audience....


Want to help with ProgPower USA XIII by distributing PPUSA BUSINESS CARDS?

Stick 10-20 in your pocket before you go to a local show & pass them out.
Leave a few on the mirror in the restroom at a show.
Add to a community bulletin board.
Ask if you could leave a few at your local record/music store.

It's that easy. PPUSA has always been a grassroots effort. Without your help, I would not be where I am today with the festival. I really do appreciate any help I can get. Thanks to Keith Lawley for the idea/production & Wayne Joyner for the assist.

Email jen at progpowerusa dot com and we will mail them to you.

Thanks all!
Great to see a thread open about this!

If you guys think this doesn't work, I put quite a bunch at their merch table at the Hartford show. The merch girl didn't seem to mind, as she knew both bands have been involved with the fest before (esp. SX headlining this year). By the end of the show, the stash of cards had diminished tremendously. This definitely seems to attract people's interest to at least check out the fest!
Where do we get the cards to do this?

Thank you for your willingness to help the festival! Please email me your mailing address at jen @ progpowerusa dot come and I will mail them to you.
