if any of you wierdos wanna watch me walk home today....you can!!!

Anyway I couldn't tell, there was someone looked like they were walking back and forth right next to it, then someone walked around and went down those steps...argh oughta try to get the high res to work huh?
yeah try the high res.....i'll be more noticable today anyway. like i said, i'm going to sit, and stare at the camera, in my flannel.
the hi res one stopped working again, .. it comes and goes, guess it wasnt meant to handle all the traffic we're giving it! hehe
just looked out the window....hey what'd'ya know, there isn't as much sunshine. it was sunny on the way over, it's clouded up a bit
Originally posted by Nevermore26
That's a pretty big fountain. Are you talking about the steps that are part of the fountain? I don't see any other steps... :confused:


They looked like steps in the crappy low res version...looking at the high res, they don't look like steps but I can't tell what they really are, they're all around the fountain at certain intervals.
well they're not really steps.....the things surrounding the fountain that can be walked up like steps.....from the view i saw, i'll be sitting on the second one from the left on the screen.....ahh you'll be able to see me.
Originally posted by Lillitu
never got that working. how'd you do that aguy?

Kinda like Chromatose, I was flipping back and forth from the camera to here, and when I went back this pop-up appeared that said if I wanted to load this Active thing and I clicked yes.
Originally posted by ct_thrash
well they're not really steps.....the things surrounding the fountain that can be walked up like steps.....from the view i saw, i'll be sitting on the second one from the left on the screen.....ahh you'll be able to see me.

Right in front!!!!!!

Now I sound like a bigger nerd.
Also, if they installed the camera to catch people putting soap in the fountain, why did they place it in such a way that a good portion of one side is blocked by that tree? Glad to see your tax dollars at work ct. :lol:
