if any of you wierdos wanna watch me walk home today....you can!!!

Haaaaaaaaaaaa that was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wonder what that person in the red car was doing though...

By the way, I said hiya CT AND Bye CT!
Originally posted by Nevermore26
Isn't it strange when you meet someone you know from a board? Are you tempted to call them by their screen name? :lol: Of course, that wouldn't be a problem for neal...


Yes, and especially with a SN as general as "a guy". I sure picked the right name huh?:D
i'd have problems using people's board names (unless they're the same of course) in place of their real names out of board context, its just too weird for me... lol
OK, which one was she? :lol:

Is she the blur that ran around the fountain? :confused:


or the blur who sat on the far left & just got up later.


I think the red car is parked. There looks to be some kind of parking spot lines on the ground, but they could be faded.

I understand. It'd be pretty weird with some of the more colorful names I've seen. "Hey Chromatose, how are you???" I can imagine the weird stares now.:D
yeah that's me in the first pic, on the right....and i know!!! the people in that red car!!!!! stupid bastards were staring me down!!!!:mad:
Originally posted by ct_thrash
yeah that's me in the first pic, on the right....and i know!!! the people in that red car!!!!! stupid bastards were staring me down!!!!:mad:

:mad: Grrrrrrrrrrrrr those bastards!!!!!!!!

oh wait, that's what I was doing! :oops:
Who'd have thought. The spot she sits at is unblurred still by the camera. Doubt she'll sit with the rain pouring, though. :)