If anyone is in Hollywood, CA...

Any fans that can make it should get out to see WD on this mini-tour....the band is solid and they play some Nevermore and Sanctuary too. Give us a report after the show.
I played the show so obviously I was at it haha, I'll give a report.

Multiverse - turns out they actually played first, they sounded good, played well and all around there was nothing wrong with them, the problem was they were made out of stone. Seriously, they hardly moved at all from one spot, the singer stood there doing vocals hardly moving at all and only 1 or 2 of them were headbanging and still no one was moving around. Maybe they were nervous or something which sucks because they had good music but the stage show was not fun to watch.

2nd band was my band, we played, rocked as hard was we could but thrash on a show like this plus the fact that not many people were there by then totally killed it haha. All in all it was a good time and we went crazy and a bunch of people said we were good after and bought our cd so it was fun.

3rd band - they were like a rock band, cool guys but I don't know why they were on the show haha

didn't see any bands up until the last band, Jerusalem which was weird beacuse everyone in the band looked like they were over 40. They were good and put on a good show but it was still kinda different haha.

Warrel was awesome. Luckily by this point more people started showing up (still not a huge turnout, maybe 50 people or 60 people? Better than earlier though, when we played there were maybe 20 or 25) I talked to Jim for a while about him not playing bass and other stuff and he was really nice and cool and then they finally went on stage an dplayed basically all of the new album + tomorrow turned into yesterday (awesome!), taste revenge and 1 more song i'm totally spacing on right now haha. Since it was warrels birthday someone came out with a cupcake and they played happy birthday on guitar and everyone sang to him. I seriously need to give him mad props because even though he was coughing like crazy and seemed really sick he hit every note that I could hear and still put on a great show, I was really glad I got to see that show and playing on it was even better.
The other song he did was Sanctuary's - Eden Lies Obscured. Since it's been 20 years since Into the Mirror Black came out....how about playing that CD from start to finish. Purdie please??????