if ayreon had a live show.....

Damian Wilson, Michele Luppi, Andre Matos and Michael Kiske.

Yeah, I know only one of the four actually appear on the albums. So what?
Ideally, Arjen should perform on a year that features other bands containing artists he has worked with. He could just hit you one after another with special guests. It would be tough to please everyone, as was the case with Jorn, since Arjen has such an extensive catalog. But, with 2+ hrs I think he could touch on everything.

Frankly, it's hard to imagine this NOT happening at some point. Hopefully when he does play the US, its ProgPower and not someplace else.
Hmmm…if the question is really WHAT, I’d love to see “The Human Equation” performed in its entirety with the original performers. With an encore of "Sail Away to Avalon" and "Songs of the Ocean."

If the question is WHO, I would include some of the usual suspects (Irene Jansen, Russell Allen, Marcela Bovio, James LaBrie, Bruce Dickinson, and Mike Baker) along with some new folks, including Geoff Tate, Ray Alder, Zak Stevens, Michael Eriksen, Michele Luppi, Lance King, Dio, Joe Lynn Turner, Don Dokken, Jon Oliva, and John Arch. That would make for an OK performance. :)
OH hell yeah!!!
I would give my left leg to see Human Equation played. That is the album of all albums. I love that cd. I could listen to that cd for the rest of my life and never get sick of it. That would be a dream come true for me.
Day 3: Pain, is my absolute favorite off that album. It just blends every genere of metal into one song perfectly and blows me the f*ck away.

My favorite Aryeon CD of all time though is "The Final Experiment", "I forgive you Merlin, cause you don't know what you've done, even to you it was all a mystery. One day you'll see I was the one who could change the course of history" :)
If they would just play "Temple of the Cat", "Dragon on the Sea", "Day 3: Pain","Merlin's Will" & "Areyon's Fate" I would be content for just that.
dtmetalfan69 said:
OH hell yeah!!!
I would give my left leg to see Human Equation played. That is the album of all albums. I love that cd. I could listen to that cd for the rest of my life and never get sick of it. That would be a dream come true for me.

Holy shit yes!
Entrerie said:
Day 3: Pain, is my absolute favorite off that album. It just blends every genere of metal into one song perfectly and blows me the f*ck away.

+1 :headbang:

Hell, it's a real adventure to hear that one in headphones, with all the vocal layering. On the relatively rare times I play it on WREKage, it almost always triggers a phone call or two. "WTF was THAT?!" :headbang: :kickass:

I'd love to see Human Equation performed......or at least, the 'high points' from it.... I'm also fond of Into the Electric Castle, but unfortunately, no-one else is. :cry:

Oh, well. Glenn has tried. Gods willing, he will try again.
Pellaz said:
Hell, it's a real adventure to hear that one in headphones, with all the vocal layering. On the relatively rare times I play it on WREKage, it almost always triggers a phone call or two. "WTF was THAT?!" :headbang: :kickass:
I'm also fond of Into the Electric Castle, but unfortunately, no-one else is. :cry:

Um... I love Into the Electric Castle. Alot! some days even more than The Human Equation *ducks*
We're playing Day: Three next time I'm in the studio. Please.

Actually, I have a crazy story about Day: Three. Someone gave me the tracks for the album while I spent a long period of time tracking down a deal for the full packaging. I listened to the songs over and over, obviously, because it's a great CD. When I finally bought the thing in Tennessee while at my grandparents house, I opened it up and drooled over the beautiful artwork and whatnot. I sang along and called up each song in my head as I read over the lyrics. Yet, when I got to Day: Three I couldn't do it. I couldn't even remember ever hearing the words. Confused, I pulled out my iPod and specifically clicked on Day: Three. The song played silence for a second before switching Day: Four. I had never noticed that I was missing this song!!

You can imagine how excited I was though to realize I had a full Ayreon song off an amazing album that I had never heard. You can also imagine how floored I was finally playing it. And I played it over and over and over...
Then a friend gave me Stream of Passion's Out in the Real World single that had a cover of the song on there. :headbang:
I can't even comprehend the idea of seeing The Human Equation performed live, to completion, with all the members from the album.

Such thoughts make my mind explode. I could easily see the cost for puting together (and attending) such an event to be astronomical.

A DVD would have to be made of the event...

holy crap it would be so intense...I'm afraid I'd shit myself just to see an announcement of such a thing.

...and if such a thing happened at ProgPower, where the hell do you go from there? Some things are just too good to happen. It would spoil us all...
Logistics aside, do you think it is even feasible to have an Ayreon live show? Most people already are not too keen on bands using pre-recorded tracks in their live shows. The complexity of Ayreon songs probably require multiple sessions in the studio to perfect and layer,etc. Also they would probably have to bring in different instruments between songs and re-sound check,etc.

Are some things just left better off left alone perfected in their CD incarnation?
Entrerie said:
Logistics aside, do you think it is even feasible to have an Ayreon live show? Most people already are not too keen on bands using pre-recorded tracks in their live shows. The complexity of Ayreon songs probably require multiple sessions in the studio to perfect and layer,etc. Also they would probably have to bring in different instruments between songs and re-sound check,etc.

Are some things just left better off left alone perfected in their CD incarnation?

Feasible and desireable are two different things.

I think it is both. It might be expensive and a logistical nightmare, but it is possible. I don't expect to ever see an Ayreon show at PP (or anywhere else in the US for that matter) though.

Would I like to. Hell yeah! I can forgive recorded tracks.
Stream of Passion plays several Ayreon tracks on their DVD with Damian Wilson guesting.

SOP + Damian Wilson + Russell Allen would make a pretty convincing Ayreon impersonation for PPUSA purposes.
Entrerie said:
"Merlin's Will"

Great track - and I especially love the Irene Jansen version on Disc 2 of the Special Edition.

Hmmm...guess what I'll be listening to on the way to work today...
Entrerie said:
Logistics aside, do you think it is even feasible to have an Ayreon live show? Most people already are not too keen on bands using pre-recorded tracks in their live shows. The complexity of Ayreon songs probably require multiple sessions in the studio to perfect and layer,etc. Also they would probably have to bring in different instruments between songs and re-sound check,etc.

Are some things just left better off left alone perfected in their CD incarnation?

Do yourself a favor and go buy the Stream of Passion DVD. I think it might answer some of your questions.

As far as "wishlists" are concerned, doing The Human Equation is a great idea, but why would he do that in the U.S. and record a DVD when he could do it in Europe and actually get a DVD-worthy crowd response? He has so much material that isolating just one album would alienate a large segement of the crowd who either doesnt know or doesnt like said album. So once again, Stream of Passion seems like the most logical option. I don't see why anyone views this as not feasible. It's simply a matter of someone laying down the cash. And someone will. Eventually. Arjen won't simply avoid the U.S. his entire career. He's probably just waiting for the right time/opportunity to bring the show HE wants to bring to the U.S.
I would kill to see Into The Electric Castle performed with all the folks that are on the CD. This is still my favorite Ayreon disc by a wide margin...

Meteornotes said:
I would kill to see Into The Electric Castle performed with all the folks that are on the CD. This is still my favorite Ayreon disc by a wide margin...


Right there with ya Dave - I do love Human Equation but Electric Castle.....

:worship: :worship: :worship:

"Grant me the power to freeee me from this eviiiiiiil.........."

I would also kill to hear him play Computer Eyes and My House on Mars live... holy ^%%#$@%!!!