If Dan was to choose the best album in his career, what would it be?

Dan also said on his official site (long ago, haven't checked lately as this board has replaced the site for me personally) that on "Second Sky" he would not settle for anything less than the very best album he has ever made. But we haven't heard much about it since then. Hopefully this plan is still in full effect. His heavy stuff RULES, but his softest stuff is best. (Emotional Wasteland, Alive Again) I'm glad he his back to doing Death Metal with Crimson 2 and that he is not *just* focusing on lighter stuff as originally planned. He's so good at both that it'd be a shame to focus only on one in my opinion. However, I am still looking more forward to Second Sky than anything else and hope he plans to finish and release it.

If I have to vote for one album as best, I'll go with Alive Again, the new Nightingale! (Even though I think "At the End of the Bridge" and "Hiding Again" are his best songs)
Hi there

I still consider the Unicorn demo "A Collection of worlds II" to be the highlight. Moontower is great too, and Alive Again aswell...Crimson II will not be the best stuff I've ever done, but it will kick a lot of ass for sure....

Crimson II won't be the best thing you've ever done?! I'm sure it'll be fucking great but I'm surprised at your attitude. It's not even finished, you still have time to make it the best thing you've ever done!

Oh well, death metal isn't your fav genre so I guess it makes sense. :(
Crimson two will make you jizz thanopsis so thats all that counts right?
Dan is a little too much of a perfectionist and a little too humble to be overly gung-ho on anything he's ever done, and that's not necessarily a bad thing--why else would he keep putting out new music? He's always out to prove that his next album/project is better than the last thing he's put out, and that's why his career is filled with so much quality music! He probably drives himself crazy being this way, but the results are more than worth it, don't you think! ;)
Unicorn - Emotional Wasteland (especially title song is the best song i have ever heard - very beautiful,this song has a particular atmosphere, something between melancholy and exhilaration) I listen this album almost every day. It's the really masterpiece.
Dan Swanö said:

A Death metal release can never be the best thing I have ever done. It's as simple as that...


Why not? You manage to mix tecnique with emotion, thats something that only great bands have done...

Besides, i don't believe there is such a thing as a "best" release by anyone, it all a matter of subjectivity... :cool:
Dan you are one of the few musicians that can objectively have an opinion on your best works ... every other musician is like "our latest album is our best".
inflamer said:
Dan you are one of the few musicians that can objectively have an opinion on your best works ... every other musician is like "our latest album is our best".

hej dont be so evil - all musicians must eat sometimes, so better album is Alive Again... GO AND BUY 3! One for you, one for ur girlfriend and one for ur pet!