If Glenn won the mega jackpot.....

Wow, that is an extremely absurd statement.....

This is one of this year's hottest bands dude......

Sure, maybe not to this core crowd.

Have you heard the main guy's other band the ROCKA ROLLAS?
If not, you should!

Do you ever take a break from being wrong on the internet? I mean, I dig Blazon Stone, and Rocka Rollas too, but even at Ragnarokkr you wouldn't find more than a dozen fans of theirs.
Do you ever take a break from being wrong on the internet? I mean, I dig Blazon Stone, and Rocka Rollas too, but even at Ragnarokkr you wouldn't find more than a dozen fans of theirs.

Yeah, and I am sure you would have said the SAME thing about StormWarrior or Volbeat BEFORE Glen booked them for PP.

How dare you question the popularity of a band at Ragnarokkr.

Bob has guaranteed that once RIOT was booked it will sell out!
Wow, that is an extremely absurd statement.....

This is one of this year's hottest bands dude......

Sure, maybe not to this core crowd.

Have you heard the main guy's other band the ROCKA ROLLAS?
If not, you should!

Are you actually reading what you're writing? I agree it's a good album, but you know how a lot of people are as they won't check it out. Brian's right; it would draw no one as good as they are.
Sadly, that's about what it would take to get Johnny Lee Middleton, Chris Cafferey, Al Pitrelli, and Jeff Plate to tell Paul O'Neil where to stick it, and say, "WE WILL PERFORM AS SAVATAGE WHENEVER AND WEREVER WE DAMN WELL PLEASE"!!!!!!!!!

Ahem... I think you forgot someone here...
Wow, that is an extremely absurd statement.....

This is one of this year's hottest bands dude......

Sure, maybe not to this core crowd.

Have you heard the main guy's other band the ROCKA ROLLAS?
If not, you should!

611 views for an album stream is LITERALLY the farthest polar opposite point in the universal lexicon of the english language as you can get from being "one of the year's hottest" anything.
Oh if he was joking then he was agreeing with AngraRules the whole time and that they would in fact draw zero people (maybe even -5 people because the staff might take the day off).
Oh if he was joking then he was agreeing with AngraRules the whole time and that they would in fact draw zero people (maybe even -5 people because the staff might take the day off).

Of course they would draw no one...

Furthermore, it's a one man project so he would need to find a band.

It was indeed one of the hottest releases, on my top 10 list at least!!!!

You guys really let the stupidest crap get to you. Dear lord.......
You guys really let the stupidest crap get to you. Dear lord.......


How do you expect us to know you're joking about it, when 90% of what you say in this forum (especially about this industry) are the most ridiculous statements we've ever read in our lives?
It's because he wasn't actually joking and he's just covering his ass.

Hahaha, yeah, I was serious about a band on StormSpell Record (great label BTW) being the biggest thing that happened this year.
It's a project band, and was more tongue in cheek in reference to the orig poster asking for 80's Running Wild.
Its an amazing tribute band, nothing more, nothing less.........

But yea, go back to your dreams of the Primal Fear tour selling out across the country....