if ihad a penny for every time i see this:

Lethe78 said:
It really pisses me off sometimes...

And it always happens when I seriously have absolutely nothing else to do. I think it is a conspiracy...

the same happens to me :cry:
especially all the previous week,when i didn't have much to do :cry: :cry:
soon i will have uni,classes & exams again :waah:

but anyway,i don't feel like complaining a lot yet

but hehe :grin: today it's working perfectly!!! maybe because some people have already given up :p
well, i'm officially nonplussed. one would think that after the perpetual works, the contributions, the assurances, at least the server would be ok. i really don't mind for the rest of the gadgets, but please have this site work for everybody at any given time. i think i might really give up if this is not achievable.

Well at least I have this same nickname registered in the old EZ board *searches for a good popup killer*
Thanatos said:
Well at least I have this same nickname registered in the old EZ board *searches for a good popup killer*

Uh, is that one still online? Can you remember the address? I might go there to amuse myself with all those nostalgic posts - if I had the time for that...

-Villain (np: Unanimated - In the Forest of the Dreaming Dead - "Wind of a Dismal Past")
i finally realized what it is...


... it's a slot machine!!!! :hotjump: and i got two!! what do i win? :p
and for those who didn't see this nice page... don't get sad and try again, you might be luckier next time!! :rolleyes:
Qsilver said:
Your 'ultimatemetal is going to become desolate'- argument doesn't seem to hold water. Hell, 16 persons browsing this forum at the moment.
About last 5 times I intended to post something, UM was down, all those things I wanted to post have been forgotten, and that must have happened to many other members, therefore the quality and quantity of posts is reduced...
the effects of all the downtimes can already be seen on this board: we hardly have 30 new posts each day as people gets tired of always trying to get on um and finding it's down. hopefully when/if things will change for the better, some of the old users will return.

yeah, I'd like Mark to tell us what is exactly happening and if it's going to be fixed soon, I'm really starting to dislike it, as I was intennding to post some meaningful stuff and lost theinspiration (I swear).
i think each member should be given a rep point every time he or she tries to access the site without result :)
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i noticed while the dots steadily increase, the titles seem to be circular and start from the beginning after n points.
Dark_Jester said:
Xyz rules this Earth now? Run! Flee mortals! The day of reckoning is upon us! XYZ SHALL EAT OUR LIVERS WHOLE! :cry:

no onions? :ill: what a disgusting extra-terrestrial monster must this xyz guy be.

@vc: no they don't. :confused: where did you see that? the there's one title (revealed) above mine and i haven't cycled through the same title before. nor the one above me does. you sure?

VultureCulture said:
i think i saw hearse's titles begin back from the start...

he's still "a splendid one to behold", while the girl on top of the food chain is something like "awesomely splendid and metal". but i can see how the hilariousness of it all might have clouded your vision for a moment... ;)
