If Nokturnal Mortum were still on The End Records...

Nah, there's always Agalloch I guess

Or, depending on what exactly you view as "on the label", there's always, oh I dunno, DARKTHRONE?
Nokturnal Mortem is not good enough to be on The End. As far as popularity goes, I have no clue how popular any band I listen to is.
Demilich said:
Stop Making New Threads, You'll Kill The Beer One!
It's Too Yooooouuuuuung To Die
JayKeeley said:
Either way, who is bigger today? Agalloch or Nokturnal Mortum?

You'd think all the Opeth fanbois going crazy for Agalloch would make em pretty popular these days. And besides that, they're pretty awesome ;)
OIP: Nokturnal MortUm > any The End band except Agalloch

JayKeeley said:
Darkthrone = Moonfog I thought? And TER were just distributing?

Either way, who is bigger today? Agalloch or Nokturnal Mortum?
I dunno, they don't seem to differentiate between the ones they just distribute and the ones that are actually on TER on the page. I think maybe some of the distributed artists are released with a "The End" label in the US, or I could be totally fucking off the wall full of shit

NM try to remain really underground, I dunno, most people into music like that know of them, but what with them being on Resistance Records and so forth, it really limits the potential audience. No idea actually.
OK so with that logic, Agalloch is bigger than Nokturnal Mortum today? I didn't realize that.

Opeth fanboys like Agalloch? I didn't think they liked anything that wasn't Opeth (or Porcupine Tree. Or Camel).
A lot of them do. Hell, I liked Agalloch when I was an Opeth fanboy. (Not that long ago at all, it all began to fall apart around the time you guys invaded our board. Remember? I thought you guys were a bunch of jerks.)
Erik said:
NM try to remain really underground, I dunno, most people into music like that know of them, but what with them being on Resistance Records and so forth, it really limits the potential audience. No idea actually.
Erik - explain a couple of things to me ol' matey....

What is Oriana Records? Is that their own label?

Also, of all labels, why Resistance Records? I'm not suggesting they change their beliefs or anything, but RR seems like a skinhead/neo-nazi outfit. In other words, why not something like Vinland or No Colors - something more suitable for their music?
I think JK may have been speaking of Vinland Winds Records, which would also suit NM very well. Either way I do have to agree that Agalloch would be bigger still, I think their sound is much more expandable to a wider audience than NM is.
I don't know why, but Nocturnal Mortem still intrigues me, even while I don't like them much.
JayKeeley said:
Opeth fanboys like Agalloch? I didn't think they liked anything that wasn't Opeth (or Porcupine Tree. Or Camel).
I typed nearly the exact same thing awhile ago but didn't post it for whatever reason. :tickled:
One Inch Man said:
I don't know why, but Nocturnal Mortem still intrigues me...
Actually, it's spelled Knockternal Mortom. :loco:

If you like new Hate Forest (with all that folk stuff), you would devour "Taste of Victory". Shit man, I thought I burned you a CD-R of that????
Yes you did. I listened to only 2 tracks though. I'll get to it again some day. :D

Gnocctoinmal Moortamp.