lol, cool, but reading the bios and stuff is annoying because of all the spelling and punctuation mistakes. I'm not saying i'm perfect at spelling in any way, but i think that's one thing all websites should have.
daz436 said:

you need your head examined


I like many kinds of music. I will enjoy what I enjoy, as everyone else will. Now go act like you know what people should listen to elsewhere.
PhlegethonVeins said:

I like many kinds of music. I will enjoy what I enjoy, as everyone else will.

Good for you, then nothing I say should bother you. Who said I was insulting his music taste anyways? Have you seen how he types?
lol yeah, and i dont think personal digs about appearance are necessary by the way. i'm happy with how i look, and i wont ever meet you so you dont have to worry about putting up with it! :) in reference to my first post.. i was referring to how the guy types as a sort of joke reference to the band he likes. obviously it was taken the wrong way but whatever.
daz436 said:
lol yeah, and i dont think personal digs about appearance are necessary by the way. i'm happy with how i look, and i wont ever meet you so you dont have to worry about putting up with it! :) in reference to my first post.. i was referring to how the guy types as a sort of joke reference to the band he likes. obviously it was taken the wrong way but whatever.
you sir, are a wank