if/when you order/make cocktails/drinks, what do you order

Blech @ mixing stuff with Coke

Mixed drink of choice for many, many years: white Russian
Mixed drink as of late: French martini

For the most part though, I order either a Maredsous or a Delerium.
White Russian is a great drink :kickass:

Thank you very much to The Dude for getting me hooked on it

"Hey, careful, man, there’s a beverage here!"
well then why would you offend your delicate senses by drinking something that tastes awful

there are legitimate mixers but coke is just not one of them. i'm convinced the only reason people use it is it's plentiful and easy to come by/no effort involved
Whiskey + cherry juice tastes also good.
And sure we do sometimes drink it clean too, yet while mixed it is milder which is better for me.
Whiskey + cherry juice tastes also good.
And sure we do sometimes drink it clean too, yet while mixed it is milder which is better for me.

yeah you have to understand i'm not saying you have to drink straight hard liquor, i'm just saying COCA COLA in particular just does not go well with any kind of liquor i know of
Coke and whiskey is good. As is ouzo and coke. And rum and coke. Taste are fairly subjective, obviously.

My nana gave me some very sub-standard red wine once. If I had left it a day longer I would probably have had a nice red wine vinegar, but instead I tried mixing it with orange juice. It was surprisingly alright.
My nana gave me some very sub-standard red wine once. If I had left it a day longer I would probably have had a nice red wine vinegar, but instead I tried mixing it with orange juice. It was surprisingly alright.
wow okay THAT sounds bad though
I've been itching to try a vodka and Red Bull
The first time I had it, I thought it was odd. I've since grown to like them. This is my drink of choice at ProgPower every year, as the day tends to start at 2PM and end at 6AM. The Red Bull keeps me up, and Grey Goose (as opposed the cheap ass vodka) keeps me from being hung over.