If you could choose just 3 songs that epitomise the spirit of each genre...

Freanan said:
Black Metal:
Burzum: en ring til aa herske
Gorgoroth: Gorgoroth
Ildjarn: Skogssvinet
ambient, evil, animalic - three facets.

There should be an own list for proto-black-metal...

Power Metal:
Blind Guardian: Mirror, Mirror
Iced Earth: Night of the Stormrider
Iron Maiden: Number of the Beast
epic,harder kind, roots.

I agree that Iced Earth is now doing power metal... but NotS is more of a thrash album.
RosesofShadow said:
^ I think Dead is their vocalist at that time...

Death - Scream Bloody Gore
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
Immolation - Dawn of Possession

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Beherit - The Oath of the Black Blood

Theatre of Tragedy - Velvet Darkness they Fear
Within Temptation - Mother Earth
Sirenia - At Sixes and Sevens

Metallica - Kill Em All
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Slayer - Reign in Blood

Dream Theater - Images and Words
Symphony X - The odyssey
Adagio - Underworld

Nope it was Attila's vocals.. Dead and his brains were maggot food by then...
Guardian of Darkness said:
Correct. His vocals are theatrical to the point where it's humorous. De Mysteriis... has grown on me a bit, though.

That's because De Mysteriis fucking rules, and Atilla's vocals are fucking awesome.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Correct. His vocals are theatrical to the point where it's humorous. De Mysteriis... has grown on me a bit, though.

Yeah its growing on me too ... just wish it was different vocals.. as for the album the songs could of been done better.. to me its a overrated album though important one for its time... my other fave tune is From The Dark Past... Varg is pretty good on the album though i hate the shithead... Hellhammer is good as well..
Jean-Pierre said:
That's because De Mysteriis fucking rules, and Atilla's vocals are fucking awesome.

I definetly would not go that far about the vocals lol especially on the title track.. and as i stated before the songs could of been structured better...
Attila's vocals suck infinite amounts of ass. He sounds like a tone-deaf old lady who's fallen and can't get up. I really don't see how anyone could think that guy's vocals are good.