If you could make an AMV (Anime Music Video)...


Amateur Dentist
May 13, 2002
(The songs don't have to be Symphony X songs)

What would it be?

I sure as shit can't but I would like to see or be able to create an AMV for Love Hina and probably have the song either Beyond Twilight - Crying, or Chicago - Chasing the Wind. :grin:
Actually, they're not ALL crappy. I found a Neon Genesis Evangelion AMV of Rammsteins Engel - With perfect lip sync. What made it especially hilarious was that the lead singers voice was synced with Asuka (the spicy and bossy red-head girl) and the female backing vocals were synced with Shinji (the main character - a scrawny young boy). :grin: All in all it was very well done and the song fit the anime perfectly. ("Gott weiss ich will kein engel sein!" ;) )
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Anyone seen Final Fantasy IX's video featuring Stratovarius - Destiny? Wierd part is I don't like Stratovarius all that much (Kotipelto's high notes make me wanna punch him and Tolkki's an asshole) or Final Fantasy IX but the AMV was very cool. Check er out.
I had a friend do Blister In The Sun to Trigun, and it was awesome. It was a clip of Vash dancing, and it just fit with the song. If you're familiar with Trigun, it was the ep where a number of folks were being held hostage in a bar, and Vash, with headphones on, can't hear the police and just dances his way into the bar..

..yeah, enough rambling about Trigun.
korruption said:
Anyone seen Final Fantasy IX's video featuring Stratovarius - Destiny? Wierd part is I don't like Stratovarius all that much (Kotipelto's high notes make me wanna punch him and Tolkki's an asshole) or Final Fantasy IX but the AMV was very cool. Check er out.
I have seen that one but I believe it was clips of many differint Final Fantasies in one video, rather than just IX. The best AMV I have seen was one to FFIX. It was mixed with Iced Earth's "Dark Saga". The main reason it was good was because if you have played through FFIX and know the story, you can see how the lyrics went with the video. Like there was a seperate part of the video that showed each char in the game alone and the words in the song playing at the time of each char went perfectly with the char. Pretty much the words in the song during each scene shown went almost perfectly with the story.
ClarifyAmbiguity said:
I wouldn't, since generally I find that music stands stronger on its own, especially when compared to anime music videos, which are generally shitty works by fans just placing their favorite songs over their favorite shows randomly.
Acutually NO, it's not random scenes from their favorite anime. Most of the time the scenes used actually have something do with the songs lyrics but you would also have to watch the anime that was being used to see where it's coming from. With that said, this post really should just be on a Anime forum because I know not everyone here watches or likes anime