1. Nevermore : For the obvious reasons of them just being retardedly tight musicians and absurdly talented.
2. Meshuggah : Give the cunts some fucking bottom end in their mix this time around as a contrast from the rather thin sounding obZen.
Also just to watch the world's most insane rhythm guitarists ever
3. Opeth : Mostly to just shit my pants in disgust in how bad my vibrato and general control of guitar is compared to Mikael and Fredrik Akesson

and well just to see what I feel are some of the most supreme musicians in metal at work
Bands that don't make my top 3, but would be awesome.
Paramore : Super tight, can actually play their shit and they are never content with the AC/DC thing of putting out the same record, they always want to push themselves
VersaEmerge : Definitely one of the best up and coming alt/experimental rock bands out there. A band that has progressed far further than their emo/pop punk image suggests
The Mars Volta : Because Omar Rodriguez Lopez is my muthafucking hero