If you fancy a laugh.......

Metal-archives makes me :hotjump:

The only reason I ever go to their website is if I want to find out a bands history. If I want a review I go to Metal Reviews.
Woah, that review was funny. I guess you can't please everyone. Yes: Wings Of Forever sounds exactly the same as Magic Never Dies, which is exactly the same as Valley Of The Damned, which in turn is exactly same as "Spiceworld", by the Spice Girls! (Fear not Brothers Of Metal, I had to do a google search for "The Shittest Album Ever Made" to get the name of that Spice Girl's album for my ultimate parody!

And I'm pretty sure the comparisons with Poison and Freedom Call are compliments. (although this guy reviewed "The Circle Of Life" as "The Most Disappointing Thing Ever." ^_^)

Also, that guy is an awful reviewer; Sure there are albums out there that reviews don't like, but you explain *why* you dislike them, rather than slag them off. Just a little info on this guy helped me solve the question as to why he's such a twunt when it comes to reviews.

Reviewer Info:
Username: requiem99
Rank: Metal freak
Points: 2431
E-mail address doombridge@yahoo.com
Real name: Lord Of the Universe
Gender: Male
Country: Christmas Island
Age: 1309
I'm a reviewer for http://www.metalcrypt.com webzine, and I was ancient when your ancestors were naught but protoplasmic slime. Really.

"Lord Of the Universe," "Christmas Island," "1309," it all makes sense now; Metal-Archives is now employing 6-year-olds to review new albums. What can you do but sit back and laugh? ^_^
I think that everyone must have his own opinion, but there are a lot of ways to explain it and you have to choose one trying to respect the band and its efforts and works....
this review is not always in our respect and I'm a bit sad for this.
But there are a lot of other good reviews too,so .... the quest must go on!!!!
haha, I bet he hasn't even listened to the full album either! :tickled:

Seriously though, he needs to clean his ears out as he ain't hearing what I hear everytime I play the album.

As has been stated, I don't generally trust reviews on Metal Archives. The information on there is top notch but as for reviews....well, generally people only review on there to either say 'this is one of the best albums ever' or 'this is total shite'. I never go by 'em really.
Actually, I feel I have to commend them for this review. It's is a stunning example of the power of equal opportunities! I think it's brilliant to have deaf and ultimately STUPID people doing metal reviews. A chav llama could tell the difference between any DF album and PQ album :)
rorymcinerney said:
Actually, I feel I have to commend them for this review. It's is a stunning example of the power of equal opportunities! I think it's brilliant to have deaf and ultimately STUPID people doing metal reviews. A chav llama could tell the difference between any DF album and PQ album :)

NO! They are the same! They both use... instruments... and stuff!:loco:
This guy is the same guy who gave us a really shit and sarcstic review of Second Sight.. he was out or order then and despite my emailing him to discuss a couple of points he never had the balls to reply ... tit !! :err:
Yeah Sean, I've just nipped over and read that review out of curiosity and he just seems arrogant and opinionated. He doesn't actually back up any of his points, he just continues to slate for no real reason.

It's like I said, I never trust metal archives for reviews.
Is this the same reviewer who hates Blind Guardian, and who gave NIME a 1/10 or something like that?
Seems he's had an obsession with PQ being a DF clone since day 1, have a look at the title for his Wings Of Forever review. And he seems to generally dislike glam, so anything resembling it will always get a slandering. Which is a pity cos glam rules :cool:

I've always thought there were similarities between PQ and DF but the distinctions are really quite overt, else there'd be no point listening to one or the other.

Anyway, yeah, you pick up a hella lot of horseshit on metal-archives.com, if I do read their reviews then I always take 'em with a pinch of salt. Although these are quite amusing ---> www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=19770
This is the same guy who hates Blind Guardian. He gave their album a .25 out of 5, and bashed the shit out of it.
i have to say that Magic NEVER does sound like DF in anyway or form, Steve and i were in Dragon Heart but i dont think we sound like DF at all , Neverworld was released before DF's last album anyway

the review did make me laugh he sounds like quite a funny interesting guy, but not a musician, thats why he is writing for a webzine :loco: