... and if the plan Nathan and I have for the headliner in mind works out, I'll plan for a sellout. Opps! May have said too much.Hope you can all make it next year!
I think you'll understand why you're not going to want to miss next year's festival
You make a very good point. I have nothing against Lacuna Coil, but I don't want to bring in someone of their caliber or style just to guarantee a sellout. Something like that would I think take the festival to much more of a mainstream level of awareness. The only reason I might do that would be to bring in new set of fans that have never heard of many of the other bands and hope that some of those would turn into loyal festival fans (but I don't think this is the most likely scenario).I'd think that Lacuna Coil freed from the hellish grind that is Ozzfest would inherently be better. I'd be curious to see what they could do headlining a festival that actually cares about them. Might change your mind...
You bring up some very good points and this is why we have tried to be very careful about that bands that we choose to put on the bill. As I stated earlier we are trying to book bands that don't get a chance to play the US scene very often and that's one of the reasons we are counting on growing or fanbase of people who will travel for the fest. People who know this is going to be their only shot to see a specific band do a headlining set. Or two bands/singers on the same bill perform together for one evening only. Or the first ever US appearance for a band. These are things the fest has done and goals we are working towards. Finding a legitimate female-fronted headliner for PP is very different than find one for FotV. When making that judgment call for PP one must factor in all the male-fronted bands as well worthy for that position. There are plenty of female-fronted metal acts with several albums out, completely worthy of headlining this festival because no one is going to be wondering why Edguy or Kamelot didn't headline instead. Will all those female-fronted bands be sellouts on their own? Probably not. Under the right circumstances, including other bands on the bill and the dedicated fan base we are building, do they have the potential to become sellouts? Yes, I think so.The problem with achieving a sellout is the overlapping fan base. If someone is a fan of "band x" and are willing to buy a ticket, then there's a good chance booking "band y" wouldn't do much to boost sales as most of their fans may already be attending. I would also imagine that most any female fronted band capable of selling out a 750 person venue would most likely tour the U.S. at least on occasion. This detracts from those willing to travel any great distance to the festival, whereas in comparison PP(more so in years past) has repeatedly booked bands that have been previously inaccessible to most. This, of course, is becoming more and more difficult to do. Especially regarding legitimate headliners and more specifically, legitimate female fronted headliners.
Sorry, but as a dedicated fan, someone who is currently unemployed and also really wanted to see Shadowside (and Benedictum and Dendura and Visideon), all I can say is, obviously not badly enough. I don't hold it against you. I can admit that didn't want to see Benedictum badly enough two years ago when they played CPF, and I really wanted to see them pretty badly (the rest of the bill was also not enough of a draw for me). My point is that I know enough dedicated metal fans to know that when one of us "really wants" to see a band, we somehow find a way to make it happen. I realize with a festival that includes weighing the odds.I really wanted to see Shadowside.
I haven't heard of them, but your description makes me want to check them out. Do they only have one album? If they are so hard to find, how did you come across them?I think one of the best female acts is Asynja. I highly doubt anyone has really heard of them. I got thier CD by pure luck. Incredible vocals and songwriting. Nothing like Nightwish or operatic stuff. Worth looking for. Bad part is that they have ties to the Pagan Front. The lyrics dont follow that stuff but they are part of that scene.
I would love Nathan to get Edenbridge someday! (Lumsk I am not so familiar with.)hopefully the fest will continue and you guys can get someone like Edenbridge or Lumsk.
You have no idea ... If I could only find her! Do you have idea where she is anymore? I get the impression David would not be completely opposed to the reunion idea (and if we got Vainglory for a returning band things could get really crazyHow about a an off the beaten path wild guess at a Chastain reunion with Leather? I don't think that would be your sellout though...![]()
Haha! OK! Yeah I guess Nathan and I weren't watching the US metal festival circuit close enough. Although I thought someone told me that we announced our date first though for this summer.Next year make sure it's not the same weekend as the Bay Area Rockfest![]()
Hell yes! Another amazing metal act that I'd love to get over here. Fans of Angela Gosgow need to listen to the master ... err mistress, I guess.Holy Moses would be cool![]()
Sorry, but as a dedicated fan, someone who is currently unemployed and also really wanted to see Shadowside (and Benedictum and Dendura and Visideon), all I can say is, obviously not badly enough. I don't hold it against you. I can admit that didn't want to see Benedictum badly enough two years ago when they played CPF, and I really wanted to see them pretty badly (the rest of the bill was also not enough of a draw for me). My point is that I know enough dedicated metal fans to know that when one of us "really wants" to see a band, we somehow find a way to make it happen. I realize with a festival that includes weighing the odds.
I haven't heard of them, but your description makes me want to check them out. Do they only have one album? If they are so hard to find, how did you come across them?
You have no idea ... If I could only find her! Do you have idea where she is anymore? I get the impression David would not be completely opposed to the reunion idea (and if we got Vainglory for a returning band things could get really crazy![]()
) but finding Leather is the hard part from what I've gathered. If Nathan and/or I could pull this off that would be a true miracle.
** opens mouth, removes foot **To say that someone should just show up because they want to see a band is a joke. Sorry. The line up was horribly weak. Just like the year Benidictum played Powerfest. That year had a terrible line up. Attendence proved that. Dont talk about dedication or act like you are queen of the scene....as I recall about a year or so ago you were the one who had no idea who Within Temptation was. And to never heard of Lumsk and other female acts but put on a female fest is just funny. It is cool you are doing it but dont play the dedicated fan card. Just isnt going to work. I have been going to shows since 88. Missing a band here and there isnt a big deal for me. Enough bands come over here to play now so traveling to smaller fest to see one out of 10 bands isnt my idea of a fun time.
Since you mentioned them I've been looking for something of theirs and I'm digging what samples I've been able to check out from them online:I got real lucky and found the Asynja disc at Metal haven. Sone guy was bringing things in to sell off. Most were nationalist pagan metal CD's. One of the guys who helps out there once in a while knows my taste pretty well and recommended them to me. The disc is entitled "Through The Misty Air". Most of the songs are about Valkyire's, battles, and folklore. It is on the
Nordvind Records label. I cant recommend it enough. Very powerful vocals with a touch of enchanting. like I said before....it may be tough to get due to the ties to the Nationalist movement they have. I have read that most of the backing band are guys from other nationialist acts. It is a solid disc worth hunting down.
This blog entry has been the most recent "reporting" (if you will) that I've heard of what happened to her and what is going on with Chastain:I have absolutely NO clue. Talk about falling off the face of the Earth...or at least out of the music scene....jeeze... I'm happy to have seen her w/Chastain on their last (iirc) tour with her, but would love to see even a one off reunion....![]()
** opens mouth, removes foot **
Perhaps in an attempt to keep my responses brief I came across as curt or condescending, neither of which were intended. However, to say that the lineup this year was weak is only a matter of opinion. I felt that every band that played this year was a strong addition to the bill (and I think that most of the FotV attendees you would talk to would say the same). They may not have been yours, mine, or anyone else's choices for the "ideal" female-fronted metal festival, but I think every band that was selected brought something unique and worthwhile to the festival. (How many times had Glenn pulled in a band for PP that left people scratching their heads or saying "Who?" when announced, and then left people speechless and astounded after their performance?) You didn't feel that way about this year's lineup and that's fine, but that is only your opinion. You had options and you choose what you felt was best for you. As I said before, with choosing festivals (and out of state shows) to attend you have to weigh the odds and I don't hold that against anyone. I'm just saying that I know fans, myself included, who will drive 5 or 6 hours for a show, or go to a show just to see one particular band on a bill regardless of if they are headlining or not. You have Indianapolis Metal Festival much closer to you than FotV. I'm not sure if Shadowside will get an hour set there like they did at our fest, but I'm sure that factored in when you were trying to decide how important it was for you to see their band (that's assuming you were even considering IMF an option, which you may not have since they are the same weekend as PP).
You feel that enough bands that you love already come to the states. I wish it was that easy for me. Many of the bands I love have never come to the states (or their visits are few and far between), that's a big reason why I will continue to support FotV even if I don't always love every single band put on the bill. Like PP, while not to the same degree, this festival may be the only catalyst for bringing those bands I've never seen over here to the states.
I never claimed to be the "queen of the scene" as you say. Just because I work very hard at helping to promote this festival and the bands I believe in, doesn't mean I'm a bigger fan or am claiming to know more than anybody else. On the contrary, I'm always looking to discover new music that I will love or new ways to improve our fest experience for both the bands and fans. (Over a year ago I was watching Within Temptation on the Hottest Chicks in Metal Tour, so I obviously knew who they were, but even then I admitted that my knowledge of this kind of metal is/was something that's growing. Also with the point on Lumsk, my words were that I was not as familiar with them, not that I had never heard of them. As I've tried to express previously, there are tons of great metal bands out there with female vocalists. Does that have to mean that I have heard of or have had the chance to check everyone out in detail?) By all means, if anyone here feels that they are a more authoritative source or if they want to lend their efforts in helping Nathan and I with making this festival bigger and better, then please, I welcome anyone who wants to step up to the plate with us.
The main issue with all these new fest is that when they book a weak line up or a fest without a real drawing act....they all use the same excuse.."Well, Glenn at Prog Power books odd acts once in a while and everyone enjoyed them". ProgPower has built itself up from a smaller thing to something huge. He is able to add a band that is possibly a gamble. Being a new fest, having a few acts that are a gamble isnt a good thing. If it works out....great, if not...it could really hurt you.....like the recent Chicago Powerfest. I am sure all your acts bought something to the fest that was interesting and different but when it comes down to it....what really matters is that these are acts people want to travel to see. Sure there was only one act I would want to see. That is just my opinion. I know there are people who are dedicated to traveling to fest all over. When I was younger I had no problem driving to other states to see shows. Never thought twice about it. Now I am much older, jaded, and have more responsability now and traveling to a show really needs to have something special there to make me get there. Right now Heathen Crusade is high on my list. Will I be there? still up in the air. I really hope. I hope one day you will be able to pull in acts like Edenbridge, Arkona, Lumsk, Alkonost, and Midnastol. I am just very outspoken about stuff and not afriad to speak my mind. Not trying to bash you or anything. I think you guys are doing a great thing but your comment about not traveling to see your fest just rubbed me the wrong way.
Glad you liked the Asynja stuff. let me know what you think if you get the CD.
Another suggestion for next year: Triosphere
GREAT band!!!!
FUCK YEAH!!! got that album last year from CDinzane! Great band!