if you're into metal R you supposed to go out w/ a bang or just sort of wither away?


Sep 12, 2002
this isn't a poll, but hell as far as i'm concerned i'm hitting a brick wall of age here and i'm unsure of what direction to take.

please, people who actually think things through, tell what your contingency plans for aging are, in fact feel free to. i've taken the first step and created a space where you can feel comfortable doing so.
i'll start by throwing out hooks:

so far i'm going gray, losing my hair, shrinking, getting bags under my eyes, experiencing weakening of the kidneys (after years of pounding), slacking on laundry, avoiding people, thinking supermodels look like babies, NOT wanting to breed, coveting other peoples' children, looking at real estate in serbia even though i've never even seen a picture of serb soil. buying a newer car, watching the local real estate channel, realizing i know nothing about mechanics or home improvement, thinking about going to a tailor, etc etc
mine was a withering path over the past 7 or so yrs.
maybe another key is to try not recounting the bands you used to tout as UHMAYZING when the kids bring up all the newcomer bands that basically copy older bands, however tempting it may be (i have trouble with this). don't want to be the closed minded old guy yelling "Back in my day, Repulsion ruled the land. And it was good; we liked it." Being the quiet, knowing guy with all the cool retro shirts is good, though.
i find i have all these first and second releases from these bands we used to make fun of who are now huge, and i'm like "wait, i thought they sucked?"

and in GS' line of thought: i trimmed hedges this weekend and got a blister, sewed a hole in a St. Patricks Day Guinness shirt from 2001, plan to take my shoes to a shoe repair guy because they're comfortable, talked to my father-in-law about what type of electronic pest control device was best, and regularly take allergy medication so i can breathe.
my top hat is on back order.
chupe666 said:
maybe another key is to try not recounting the bands you used to tout as UHMAYZING when the kids bring up all the newcomer bands that basically copy older bands, however tempting it may be (i have trouble with this)

i WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with this. and empathise.

but repulsion really WAS the shit
Over the last few years I've begun a progress of regression, growing my hair out and wearing metal shirts much more often. But I drive a new car and sell out to corporate America 40 hours a week with 5 equally distibuted lunch hours.

Several people twice my age have said "oh, growing your hair out, eh?"
"yeah, might as well be young and foolish while I still can"
"never too old for that!"

They're right.