If you're still around... happy birthday Phyros!


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Oct 9, 2001
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Happy birthday, dude! :hotjump:
right, happy birthday! :wave:
Hope he's doing well, he was one of the "At The Flames" most talented members... and a kind friend who took me out of the streets when I was playing the trumpet in Gothenburg... :cry: I miss you. I love you with all my circuits. Happy birthday!!!

|ngenius (A worshipper)
Ohhh! thank you my friends, I did not expect to find a thread dedicated to my birthday, I did not expect to be remembered actually, which makes it even more fun :eek:)

@ rahvin... Sure! We will have to decide a place and time beforehand though, but it was nice meeting you, eventhough it was a shortie (no dwarf joke intended ;o) )

@Nick... Always! And do remember, all alchohol can be broken down into two things, drinkable and nondrinkable ;O)

@My robotic friend... I miss you here, you better get you shiny metal ass over here, or I might bite it! Take the pimpmobile!

-phyros (as usual, over and out!)