If you're still around... happy birthday Phyros!

The Grand Wazoo said:
The.. ?_? What? Huh? Behh.. Did I miss something? (again? :rolleyes: ) Ehh.. Wtf..
You're too young, Wazoo. :grin: But the At The Flames thread is surely wandering somewhere, lost but alive, who knows?

|ng (Ahhh, the old and chupi days...)
Phyros said:
Ohhh! thank you my friends, I did not expect to find a thread dedicated to my birthday, I did not expect to be remembered actually, which makes it even more fun :o) -phyros (as usual, over and out!)
Enjoying your candy? :D
The Grand Wazoo said:
u_u,, Fiiiiine.
Too young huh?
As always
It seems the world turns, ..in the past.
As the world turned.
As the world burned.

Uhmmm... I don't know what to say... maybe... FINE? :grin: Oh, come on, it's wonderful to be young.

Thanks for catching up for the lost postings, Thanny. :)

You shall be repped. ;)