Iggy Pop - Cry for love Cover / Metalish


Austrian Blech Machine
Aug 21, 2009
Vienna, Austria

Vocals now made by a real singer. i have some troubles processing clean vocals, cause i havent done them too often till now since im not a decent singer^^
trying out some different mics at it seems as if i haven found the right one for her, and there are also EQ & compressor issues, but anyway...here it is =)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3961577/Mago&Chiri - Cry for Love (Iggy Pop Cover).mp3

cheers Marco

i was on a family party this week and a lot of old cd's were played, which reminded me of my childhood. so i decided to make this cover, cause i guess rocked to that one allready in the craddle....at least thats what i was told :rock:

maybe you should watch this video first, else you might think "wtf is up with the vocals"

i did them for the lulz, so go easy on me. im not a singer, but i thought it would be fun doing them. its anyway 2am here, so anything different would have been too loud though.

drums are SD2 /w samples
bass is pitched guitar
guitars tonelab (somewhat quadtracked)

thnx 4 listenging, cheers Marco
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sounds good man i like it! the vocals need some work other than that its a cool mix... can you give more details on the guitar chain what model tonelab-impulses?
as i said, im no singer, and dont aim to be one ;) but my GF (who sings in my band) is keen allready on recording vocals on this one. i'll update when we're done...

lol my guitar chain evolved in like 3 months of trying to beat out the tonelab sound out of the tonelab. basicly it is:

EMG 81 - Tonelab (US Higain amp + UK t75 Model)
then split the rhythm mixdown and 2 different Matching EQ, mainly matched to a recording of my 6505+ with Randall V30 cab (when still lived with my parets i could mike the amp up, now i've got an own flat...doh^^)
then some minor EQ tweaking (hi-lowpass, some -1db drops at around 500m and 1k, and one major drop at some high ones due the fizz)

complicated as fuck, but finally im satisfied with the guitarsound
hope i could help, and thanx for your comment dude, i really appreciate that!
WTF! Iggy Pop! Good shit! I have seen this guy in concert some years ago. ;D
Really nice version! Congrats Mago! Sounds really good IMO. :kickass:
The guitars could have more balls. They have too high end, it becomes fatiguing after a while. You could cut some highs frequencies or apply the HPF a bit lower. The rest sounds very good, specially her voice.
The guitars could have more balls. They have too high end, it becomes fatiguing after a while. You could cut some highs frequencies or apply the HPF a bit lower. The rest sounds very good, specially her voice.

yeah nuno, ur right, thanx for pointing that out 4 me!
the balls are missing because i haven't got a real bass i guess...
and youre right about the highs, kind of annoying after some time. could be because normally i dont quad track, but this time around i tried anyway.
i tried to fix that, any better now?
thanx for your input dude :D

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3961577/Mago&Chiri - Cry for Love (Iggy Pop Cover) v2.mp3
It´s better. I dont if you noticed but the high end on guitars it´s also due of the brightness of the hit hat. It´s really bright. I would add some low end on that. The guitars seem to have too much information around 1khz and 4khz. It lacks some good mids on them. Try a saturator for that. Or search between 500hz and 700hz to make a boost on the mids.
It´s better. I dont if you noticed but the high end on guitars it´s also due of the brightness of the hit hat. It´s really bright. I would add some low end on that. The guitars seem to have too much information around 1khz and 4khz. It lacks some good mids on them. Try a saturator for that. Or search between 500hz and 700hz to make a boost on the mids.

i think the highhat was just too loud more than too bright...i lowered it a bit,cause it was annoying me anyway...i hate too loud hihats :Puke:
about the guitars: the 500-700hz area makes it more honkey, im not quite a fan of that one, but the saturator did help giving some warm mids

i anyway dont want to fool around with the guitars on that one for too long, because i don't plan to do many tracks with sloppy quadtracking and ghettobass ;) but i noted the things you mentioned and keep an eye on that on the mixes ill do for my bands album! especially the highend madness i seem to fall into haha
cheers and thank you again nuno! :rock::rock:
No problem dude.:) Yeah honkyness sucks! When I said that area, I supposed that might be that area but I didnt had sure. But the guitars only will be honky if you boost too much. Sometimes just a boost of only 0.5 makes a good difference. But for this kind of sound the quad track was not a good choice. Because you dont need a wall of distortion!lol if you know what I mean.:goggly: Sometimes the multiband compression is also good to pull some mids.
haha, yeah I guess quadtracking that one was bshit ;)
but i was too lazy to arange some parts proper and couldnt decide how to do the guitars at the beginning, that's why it endet up quadlike...
all fault of the original song, caus theres the open chord guitar in the middle at the beginning, and im not a fan of that one...so the beginning was quad, and from there was no turning back for me^^
anyway, also that there was no bass recordet at that point didn't help much*doh*
but your right, Iggy pop is no rammstein, so dualtrack would have been more that enough. lesson learned so its good anyway ;)