Drumsound/Lasses' samples involved

Carlos, thanks a lot dude :rock:
no worries, the thread isnt very old anyway haha
If you want some help when you record/mix some new tunes you know what to do I think ;)
but if you want THIS sound you'd have to programm the drums I think which wouldn't do justice to your brother haha

True .. I would probably never be using programmed drums however my bro hasn't played drums like this since we recorded this song years ago... too busy playing bass

I'd be happy just getting the overall balance of tones you have going on with everything :rock:
True .. I would probably never be using programmed drums however my bro hasn't played drums like this since we recorded this song years ago... too busy playing bass

I'd be happy just getting the overall balance of tones you have going on with everything :rock:

Next time you record something just hit me up Carlos, I'm always glad to help a dude out :kickass:
that kick is sick, do you mind sharing your chain?

Most of it is Lasses "Rarefaction" kick & then theres Slate Kick 5 for bass + Slate Kick 10 for low mids meat.
every kick has different EQ and on the kickbus theres some minor eq to shape the highs a bit more
you are becoming really good at this shit:rock: the drum sound is huge. The guitars are bit fizzy but they sound good.

Thanks a lot Nuno :)
Glad that you finally like one of my snares :lol:
Guitars are just for the test...will do some reamps next week, hope they will turn out good^^
mago, ganz groooß!! ;-)
i personally would work on the bass guitar to give the whole thing more "fullness" @ 120 hz
the whole thing really has a lot of punch! really good! drums could use jsut a little maxxbass for even more impact (again nickelback is the greatest reference for things like that).
cool stuff!
Thanks Danny :D
About Bass and so on: Yeah I know, but until I don't have final guitars the bass isn't anywhere near final too ;)
Someone else also mentioned that the kick could use more low end power, I just have to kill the dip at the low end aera to fix that haha
mago, ganz groooß!! ;-)
i personally would work on the bass guitar to give the whole thing more "fullness" @ 120 hz
the whole thing really has a lot of punch! really good! drums could use jsut a little maxxbass for even more impact (again nickelback is the greatest reference for things like that).
cool stuff!

do you use maxxbass often or if something is wrong with the source? When using on drums, would you put it on the group or individual tracks?
do you use maxxbass often or if something is wrong with the source? When using on drums, would you put it on the group or individual tracks?

i usually use maxxbass on toms. only put it on individual tracks.
maxxbass produces some sub artefacts, should always followed by a cambridge E6 locut @ 30Hz.

on electric bass rbass is even better, percussive instrumtens id use maxbass.

i love fat snares, so i also sometiimes use maxbass, but i have developed a new technique lately, so i dont need maxbass anymore. i basically layer
precomposed sub samples of toms/snares etc. under the actual track,
it makes a really consisten low end.
sick mix Mago!:muahaha: do you have any updates?
i just started with midi drums, i want to know how do work with SD 2, do you mix your drums in SD? how do you work with slate/lasse samples in SD,where do you load them?