IIT we discuss how awesome In Flames used to be

Whoops, I meant to say everything up to *and including* Clayman is very good. Even from a production standpoint, the drums and bass are near perfect.
The early Shadows Fall was actually pretty good.

Those horrible, horrible vocals always ruined them for me.

Concerning IF:

I've never been to big on melodeath to begin with. I prefer my death metal to be brutal and groovy (and technical to some extent) with just the right amount of melody. Florida style, Stockholm style, technical DM.

If early In Flames or later ATG wouldn't have had harsh vocals, people probably wouldn't even have considered them to be "death metal" to begin with.

That being said, I enjoy some In Flames up until "Clayman" but their change of styles hasn't had been much of a loss to me.

I always say that they started to compensate their fading quality with more pyros.

They follow the Kiss approach in every way: keep it dumb, keep it simple (musically) but wrap it into a bombastic show. Some people are sooo easy to please...
There are some good tunes on Whoracle and Colony, but if you only ever owned Lunar Strain and/or Jester Race, you wouldn't really be missing out on the best they had to offer. Most good bands only ever put out one or two excellent albums. Lately I find myself purging a lot from my collection that I have realized is passable, but not one of a band's great works.