IIT we discuss how awesome In Flames used to be


I like all their work up to and including Clayman. Ignoring the lyrics I can handle some of their latter day stuff. A bit.

Said it before but December Flower features one of the greatest pieces of lead guitar ever - like if Led Zep wrote melo-death.
Never really thought about slapping a the melodeath label on Heartwork. That'd be my number 2 after The Jester Race.

Well, Heartwork was a bit early to be lumped in with the "Gothenburg scene" death metal. They were some of the first to plant the seeds, however. I think the big difference that set them apart (and I say this with all honesty) is that they're English.

There's a bit of English drudgery in Heartwork...the entire album's sound sags in a good way. It's really warm-sounding, almost fluid...the video of Heartwork is a perfect description. The album is dirty but not sloppy, crushingly heavy but not bereft of melody, and a perfect bridge between what has been done and a look ahead and what will be (during that time).
Heartwork is pretty much flawless, but its lacking something....passion? feeling? i dunno, but i dont like it as much as a lot of ATG and In Flames albums.
I still love In Flames personally. I only got into them a couple years ago and they've been my favorite metal band ever since.

I got sucked in by Ordinary Story and soon the entire Colony album and I just went from there. I love every single album they have including the new ones. A sense of purpose was much better than come clarity in my opinion.

If I didn't know better I would say your all conforming to the Old=Good New=Bad band wagon ^_^
All this talk earlier of The Crown and not one word of them recently reforming. I say, "Welcome back, lads!"

Yeah, that was obviously going to happen some day since no one gave a shit about the members other projects :) Now they just need to get Lindstrand back as well + definitely DON'T do another album.. just tour and play Deathrace King :)
this is what Fredrik Nordström, producer/engineer/mixer of many of those early In Flames albums, has to say about this topic:

I know that In Flames wanted to change styles much, much earlier than they actually did. Around the third album, they wanted to stop using the melodic guitar harmonies. I was the guy saying, “no, no, we have to keep the melodies. We have to do the harmonies.” “No! We are so bored of harmonies!” (Nordström now takes an authoritarian tone) “You have a responsibility to your fans! And they are expecting this stuff.” But they toured their asses off and have had very good success; and of course they should have it. But I wish they had stayed in the same lane, and that may have given them much more success.

Maelstrom: Yeah! They completely changed styles! They sound like metalcore now. What do you think about that?

Fredrik Nordström: Yeah. This is so... stupid. American bands like Shadows Fall copied In Flames, and now In Flames is copying those American bands. So the leader became a follower.
this is what Fredrik Nordström, producer/engineer/mixer of many of those early In Flames albums, has to say about this topic:

Please point out to me which Shadowsfall songs sound anything like In Flames. I may actually be interested in them if that is true.

In Flames is NOTHING like American metal core and never will be. I had been to several ozzfests (including one with In Flames before I knew about them :S) and tons of other shows where I had crappy opening metal core bands shoved down my throat. I have no appreciation for them.
Please point out to me which Shadowsfall songs sound anything like In Flames. I may actually be interested in them if that is true.

In Flames is NOTHING like American metal core and never will be. I had been to several ozzfests (including one with In Flames before I knew about them :S) and tons of other shows where I had crappy opening metal core bands shoved down my throat. I have no appreciation for them.

They're damn near the same genre. Palm mute those root notes and harmonize on fifths.

Perhaps melodeath has a bigger emphasis on harmony, while metalcore leans towards groove, but if you can't hear the resemblance between them, you're lying to yourself.
Please point out to me which Shadowsfall songs sound anything like In Flames. I may actually be interested in them if that is true.
check out their 2000 album Of One Blood. they're definitely not a clone, but you can hear the influence.

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