because I'm off work tomorrow and monday is a holiday. this is, I know, not a tragedy for most of you, but I have this idea I've been flashing on...
due to my simplifying my life to the most basic essentials (namely involuntarily, due to low income) I can clothe myself in the robes of the self righteous, like the people you often hear on NPR.
but here's the hypothesis...things have been going too well lately. I get moved into the agency drug testing, and scant weeks later, the agency says the program will be going 100% coverage. this means a drastic increase in workload and probably a promotion...hmmm. right place right time.
we got the $100 grand marquis and it is a liner. no problems.
tomorrow we acquire the xmsatellite radio. ver' cool.
I will be able to purchase Govt Mule's The Deeper End, with DVD
so with seemingly all these insignificant but good things happening...something really, REALLY bad must be about to come down the pike.
I know this is unlikely to happen in predominately urban east columbus, ohio, but I can't shake this sense of impending dread.
due to my simplifying my life to the most basic essentials (namely involuntarily, due to low income) I can clothe myself in the robes of the self righteous, like the people you often hear on NPR.
but here's the hypothesis...things have been going too well lately. I get moved into the agency drug testing, and scant weeks later, the agency says the program will be going 100% coverage. this means a drastic increase in workload and probably a promotion...hmmm. right place right time.
we got the $100 grand marquis and it is a liner. no problems.
tomorrow we acquire the xmsatellite radio. ver' cool.
I will be able to purchase Govt Mule's The Deeper End, with DVD
so with seemingly all these insignificant but good things happening...something really, REALLY bad must be about to come down the pike.


I know this is unlikely to happen in predominately urban east columbus, ohio, but I can't shake this sense of impending dread.