I'll be gone for a while, too.

Sorry to hear it dude.

What's stopping you from getting a job though? It doesn't have to be fun and rewarding work if you are in need of cash.

Sorry to hear it dude.

What's stopping you from getting a job though? It doesn't have to be fun and rewarding work if you are in need of cash.


Our economy crumbling, man.. It may sound retarded but there literally are no jobs out where I live to be had.. They're all taken by these creepy ass in-bred hick townfolk that creep me the fuck out (I live in a pretty remote farm town.)
Our economy crumbling, man.. It may sound retarded but there literally are no jobs out where I live to be had.. They're all taken by these creepy ass in-bred hick townfolk that creep me the fuck out (I live in a pretty remote farm town.)

No chance of commuting to a bigger city?

All I'm saying is, I'd exhaust every option if things were this bad for me.

Those kinda posts always remind of how grateful I am for the social security net over here. I mean, it's far from being perfect, but you'll never have to become homeless. Yeah there are more than enough people who exploit the system because their simply not willing to work, but there are also enough people who'd be very much willing to do just about anything but they have no chances at getting something.

That whole army/foreign legion is pretty sadistic if you ask me. It's one thing if you really want to do this, but if risking your arse is the only possibility for you to survive, then we're basically back in the middle ages. And those institutions willingly exploit these poor folks.
Those kinda posts always remind of how grateful I am for the social security net over here. I mean, it's far from being perfect, but you'll never have to become homeless. Yeah there are more than enough people who exploit the system because their simply not willing to work, but there are also enough people who'd be very much willing to do just about anything but they have no chances at getting something.

Yeah, same here.. although we almost dont get any help here in Sweden.
My friend has about 60$ to buy food for a month.. but hey, at least he doesnt live on the streets!

On the other hand.. considering how insanely high our taxes are here in Sweden, we should have better social security then what we have.
If there is no work available there you need to get the hell out. While the jobs you may have to do to survive may not be glamorous, they will provide the basics needed to survive. I worked some shitty ass jobs back when I was 16, but I was out on my own by 18, and while it sucks - it does make you appreciate what little you do have. Get out of wherever you live and if you have to live with a bunch of guys in a house, or apartment, and you have to work one or two jobs or whatever - just do it. Get on a bus and get out of Minnesota. Good luck my friend - chose to get out instead of letting it get you sucekd down deeper and deeper.