I'll be seeing The Iron Maidens tomorrow night!

clearshift said:
Hah shit, ya I didn't want to drive since I don't know the city well, and none of us even really knew where the whiskey was. So I parked at brentwood, meet my one friend at sait, then continued on in search of the whiskey.

But yes it was fairly cold lol! If I wasn't in a normal state of mind, the walk would have been alot quicker I think. Oh, and I had class at 8, but somehow I stayed awake lol. Fuck I shoulda been smart like you and parked donwtown. ... Next Time.. ! Next Time Gadget.. err.
I'll say it again...that's savage! :lol:

Well, the good thing is that the Maidens girls will probably read all this and see the amount of sacrifice us (okay, you mainly :p) went through to see this show, and will do another gig here some time soon :grin:
Beast In Flames said:
I'll say it again...that's savage! :lol:

Well, the good thing is that the Maidens girls will probably read all this and see the amount of sacrifice us (okay, you mainly :p) went through to see this show, and will do another gig here some time soon :grin:

We can always hope!
Beast In Flames said:
I'll say it again...that's savage! :lol:

Well, the good thing is that the Maidens girls will probably read all this and see the amount of sacrifice us (okay, you mainly :p) went through to see this show, and will do another gig here some time soon :grin:
Hahhaha ya hopefully my sacrifice will pay off! btw, Like you were saying before, I also know a few people that couldn't come cause of school/work/prior halloween engaments, but would have liked to, granted they arent' hardcore maiden fans but they would still enjoy the show I'm sure!

I'm sure a second show would sell alot more tickets.

and 1:30/2:00 o'clock for u guys, thats pretty good then for me getting back a little after 3. walking the frik all over calgary in the cold!
clearshift said:
Hahhaha ya hopefully my sacrifice will pay off! btw, Like you were saying before, I also know a few people that couldn't come cause of school/work/prior halloween engaments, but would have liked to, granted they arent' hardcore maiden fans but they would still enjoy the show I'm sure!

I'm sure a second show would sell alot more tickets.

and 1:30/2:00 o'clock for u guys, thats pretty good then for me getting back a little after 3. walking the frik all over calgary in the cold!
Well, my brother is a HUGE Maiden fan, and he couldn't make it.

Yeah, that's not too bad, time-wise, but I'd have hated to walk in that weather for 2 hours!
Damn you guys are hard core!!! I love it!!!! THANK YOU for making the show so much fun!!!!! Your sacrifices are much appreciated and admired! We WILL be back, and DAMN it was COOOOOOLDDDDDDD!!! (Clive)Burrrrrrrr!!!!!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Damn you guys are hard core!!! I love it!!!! THANK YOU for making the show so much fun!!!!! Your sacrifices are much appreciated and admired! We WILL be back, and DAMN it was COOOOOOLDDDDDDD!!! (Clive)Burrrrrrrr!!!!!

Thank you for giving us a great show that was worth every bit of it! :rock:
Beast In Flames said:
No, thank you for the great show you guys put on! :grin: It was lots of fun.

Problems at the airport?? Of what nature? And on which side of the boarder? Fucking officials, eh? :lol:
i think cuz it was halloween lots of staff had the day off so it took us an over an hour to get thru customs in vancouver which made us miss our flight to calgary. then we had to wait for the rest of our luggage to arrive cuz it wouldn't all fit on the prop plane. finially recieved our last two pieces 10 minutes before the show!!!
damn, you all had quite an adventure that day too!!! missed trains, long hikes in the cold, and altered states of mind - lol @ savage. i just realized in my last post i neglected to put the thank you in, but you all knew what i meant huh. what songs would you like to see added to the list when we come back?
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Damn you guys are hard core!!! I love it!!!! THANK YOU for making the show so much fun!!!!! Your sacrifices are much appreciated and admired! We WILL be back, and DAMN it was COOOOOOLDDDDDDD!!! (Clive)Burrrrrrrr!!!!!
Bah! It was cold, but what would you say if you experienced the -35 weather?? :loco: (That's in celcius, btw, and I honestly don't feel like converting it to farenheit. It's REALLY cold, that should be enough ;) )

PS. I am the guy with the weird name. Sorry, I really couldn't do a better job of explaining what the hell it is at that time! :lol:
MiniMurray said:
i think cuz it was halloween lots of staff had the day off so it took us an over an hour to get thru customs in vancouver which made us miss our flight to calgary. then we had to wait for the rest of our luggage to arrive cuz it wouldn't all fit on the prop plane. finially recieved our last two pieces 10 minutes before the show!!!
damn, you all had quite an adventure that day too!!! missed trains, long hikes in the cold, and altered states of mind - lol @ savage. i just realized in my last post i neglected to put the thank you in, but you all knew what i meant huh. what songs would you like to see added to the list when we come back?
Well, that sucks. I guess you guys didn't have much time to see the city then.

Yes, we did get what you meant, because we are very smart people. Or something like that :lol:

Okay, I remembered an incident from that show. It was long before you guys came on and when my mind was seriously altered :lol: Me and my friend were up on that platform thing in front of the bar and he had left his drink on the rail facing the floor. Well, somehow I managed to move my hand in strange ways and elbow the glass (I have absolutely no idea what happened). And BOOM! The drink was all over the floor. Here's the conversation that could place:
He: "You fucking suck!"
Me: "Well, yeah...I don't really have any intentions of challenging that claim at the moment."
Good thing he'd drunk about half of it. I ended up having to pay for the rest, though.

Okay, now about the setlist...

I was actually talking to a guy from a local band and he mentioned that he'd like to hear Phantom Of The Opera, and well he got his wish, eh? ;) I was hoping for something out of 7th Son, probably Moonchild or The Evil That Men Do, and also Wasted Years, which I heard :grin: Aside from those, maybe something from Powerslave or the last two albums. I am also a huge TXF fan, so anything off that album would be great too. But I think I'm in the small minority regarding that subject :lol: Hell, anything you guys play would be fantastic!

One more thing and I'll shut up...for now :loco: I've always wanted to hear Only The Good Die Young and Childhood's End live. I know Maiden will never plays these two live (which I never really understood. I think Childhood's End is probably one of their most perfect songs), so if you guys could add these two or one of them to your setlist, it'd be absolutely phenomenal!

Oh oh!! I also loved how you guys nailed the middle part in 2 Minutes To Midnight!
Thanks you so much for the show! It was cold out, but maybe only -5'C(+23'F) tops, you should come back in February, it should be -30'C(-22'F) or so! :cool:

That sucks about missing the plane in vancouver :(

As for setlist? I like Beast in Flames ideas, Something from SSOASS like he says, even Infinite Dreams perhaps. I too love TXF, anything of that would be a treat. Perhaps a little something from either BNW/DOD. Oww and i'd love to hear Still Life.

I know you can't do too much of the newer stuff, but maybe since Maiden's doing 'The Early Days' next summer you can change it up and do the newer days lol :p

Seriously though, the setlist rocked and whatever you feel like playing is fine with me!
Welcome to the boards, BeastInFlames, Clearshift and DreamerDeceiver! We had a great time in Calgary, such a beautiful place, never mind the cold!! All that Maidenly love kept us warm! :tickled:

Thanks to all of you who came out to see us, the show was a great success and guarantees that we'll be back again! As a former East Coast girl, it was fun experiencing real winter again, but walking miles in just a tee shirt??!! Whoa! That's hardcore! :worship:
Beast In Flames said:
Thank you, and this is great news! I can't wait to see you guys again!
We can't wait to come back to Canada! I have a feeling the crowd'll be bigger and better than ever. (Especially if you join our street team and help get the word out!!!!:grin: )
Beast In Flames said:
I don't know how this guy did it, but you'd probably read about a frozen body found somewhere in the streets in the news the next day if I had to walk that distance with just a T-shirt :loco:
LOLOLOL, I hear ya! If it were me, my frozen body would've been found about a block from the club!
Air Raid Siren said:
We can't wait to come back to Canada! I have a feeling the crowd'll be bigger and better than ever. (Especially if you join our street team and help get the word out!!!!:grin: )
Are you kidding?? You guys set a date, and I will be more than glad to help promote the show for you ;) I'll also bring at least 5 people with me :kickass:

Air Raid Siren said:
LOLOLOL, I hear ya! If it were me, my frozen body would've been found about a block from the club!
Oh, come on now. I know you'll do better than that :grin:
Beast In Flames said:
Are you kidding?? You guys set a date, and I will be more than glad to help promote the show for you ;) I'll also bring at least 5 people with me :kickass:
The link to join our street team is on the first page of our website (for those of you out there who would lke to be a part of the Maidens' team), but here's a direct link to the page: http://www.theironmaidens.com/streetteam.html

Beast In Flames said:
Oh, come on now. I know you'll do better than that :grin:
Well....maybe....NOT!!!!! I'm a big baby when it comes to being cold! :waah:
Even though I grew up in Ohio and PA, I lost all my cold weather chops when I moved to Cali! But I still like to visit cold places, just would have a hella time dealing on a day to day basis, especially when there's a wind chill factor!!!. :hypno:
MiniMurray said:
i think cuz it was halloween lots of staff had the day off so it took us an over an hour to get thru customs in vancouver which made us miss our flight to calgary. then we had to wait for the rest of our luggage to arrive cuz it wouldn't all fit on the prop plane. finially recieved our last two pieces 10 minutes before the show!!!
damn, you all had quite an adventure that day too!!! missed trains, long hikes in the cold, and altered states of mind - lol @ savage. i just realized in my last post i neglected to put the thank you in, but you all knew what i meant huh. what songs would you like to see added to the list when we come back?

Certainly sounds like you had an interesting experience if nothing else. Hopefully you'll have more time to enjoy the city the next time you come around. As far as the setlist goes, anything is awesome, but it'd be really cool if you did the Clansman or Prowler.

And I'll be sure to join the street team as soon as I figure out what my mail address is (I've been living at the university for about 2 monhts now, and I still haven't figured it out yet. :p )