I'll be seeing The Iron Maidens tomorrow night!

Air Raid Siren said:
Welcome to the boards, BeastInFlames, Clearshift and DreamerDeceiver! We had a great time in Calgary, such a beautiful place, never mind the cold!! All that Maidenly love kept us warm! :tickled:

Thanks to all of you who came out to see us, the show was a great success and guarantees that we'll be back again! As a former East Coast girl, it was fun experiencing real winter again, but walking miles in just a tee shirt??!! Whoa! That's hardcore! :worship:
Thanks, glad to be here! Keep in mind I only walked for about 45 minutes in a tshirt, then i got a coat for the last half of my walk or so haha. :p

Oh, around the university on the hill along Crowchild I tried to write 'Maiden' In the snow really big with my footprints, but I got too cold, and had to stop after only the 'MA' :( lol

And what exactly is this street team, what do you do?

And, Thanks for the show!!





Air Raid Siren said:
The link to join our street team is on the first page of our website (for those of you out there who would lke to be a part of the Maidens' team), but here's a direct link to the page: http://www.theironmaidens.com/streetteam.html
Awesome! I also wanna know what things the street team members are supposed to do, though.

Air Raid Siren said:
Well....maybe....NOT!!!!! I'm a big baby when it comes to being cold! :cry:
Even though I grew up in Ohio and PA, I lost all my cold weather chops when I moved to Cali! But I still like to visit cold places, just would have a hella time dealing on a day to day basis, especially when there's a wind chill factor!!!. o_O
Hehehe...I am not really fond of the cold weather, either. I was just teasing you ;)
clearshift said:
Thanks, glad to be here! Keep in mind I only walked for about 45 minutes in a tshirt, then i got a coat for the last half of my walk or so haha. :p

Oh, around the university on the hill along Crowchild I tried to write 'Maiden' In the snow really big with my footprints, but I got too cold, and had to stop after only the 'MA' :( lol
ONLY 45 minutes?? I would've lasted about 45 SECONDS, lol!

clearshift said:
And what exactly is this street team, what do you do?
Beast In Flames said:
Awesome! I also wanna know what things the street team members are supposed to do, though.?
You become part of the team to help get the word out about upcoming shows. Flyers to post and pass out, that kind of stuff. You get perks, swag etc. It's all explained when you sign up. :D

clearshift said:
And, Thanks for the show!!
It was such fun night - thanks for coming out! There's nothing in this world that compares to an audience of headbanging fellow Maidenheads! The energy you guys gave us was so inspiring. The long crazy travel day just disappeared. That's what I love about Maiden. It just puts you in the greatest mood!!! :headbang:
Air Raid Siren said:
That's what I love about Maiden. It just puts you in the greatest mood!!! :headbang:
I think thats how I was able to walk in the cold for so long, I kept singing maiden songs the whole way! See, you could have made it just as long in the cold! ;)

I think I'll sign up for this street team thingy too, sounds cool.
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Maiden is the antidepressant, the de-stressor and mood balancer! And you don't even need a prescription for it! Yeehawwww!!!!!!!!!

You said it Nikki!! There's no feeling like bangin' to some awesome music! That's why I not only work for a chiropractor, but my best friend is one too!! :D I knock my block off and they put it back on!! :lol: :lol:
See ya in San Marcos!! :headbang: :headbang: