I'll bother you with this only once...


Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper
Apr 12, 2002
Bay Area, WI
I've got my mp3 page going. Link is in my signature (tunes). The songs I posted and will be posting in the near future are by no means complete. They're full songs, but are more than likely going to undergo modifications. If you're bored take a listen and feel free to rip em apart. This will be the first and last thread I will create about this. Thank you.

The Management

Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional or even a semi professional. This is just a hobby for me so don't expect to hear anything spectacular.
i'll listen later if i remember, love hearing what other musicians get up to.
For maximum enjoyment, read my thread above. :D

And I just wrote lyrics to a tune that I like a lot. They turned out better than I hoped. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to lay down some scratch vox and get that up there in a week or two as well. So if you don't like what you hear now, check back. I've got a few floating around that I think out do these by quite a bit. These 2 were the first couple songs I ever wrote. I've got 2 I'm working on that I developed about 8 months after I created these two. What that means I don't know.

And I hope they don't reverse spin down under like the toilets do. That could sound weird. :)
The songs weren't too bad, some better programmed drum sounds could give them a bit more life, or maybe this was the feel you were going for. I like some of the little guitar melodies you use, some cool layering. "In death" got a bit boring for me, i think there should have been some moments where drums made different rhythms and took the song in a bit of a different direction. "Worship Sorrowful Grief" was the more enjoyable of the two songs, seemed to go a bit further and not get boring. Fairly good sounding for home recordings too, well done on that.

I think your voice is pretty cool, though i'd prefer a few moments where the singing got higher and more emotional. That's just a personal preference though.

Overall, i'd say the songs are a good listen, but lack that special something to make them stand out or rip at my emotions. My main advice would be to try and take the songs to a few more varied 'levels' unless you're specifically trying to get someone in a mood and not leave it. They are very relaxing though. Well played and executed, though nothing fantastically hard...

Anyway, most of that is stylistic personal preference, and as such can be safely ignored if you find it irrelevant to your aims!

Keep it up :)
Actually I think I'm singing out of my range on both of these. I can't get any emotion or anything out of my voice when I'm down there. And I agree the drums need work on "In Death..." I'm also going to play around with the distorted guitar part a bit and see if I can't do anything about that to add something to it. As for WSG, I've got many plans to change that including an entire rework of the lyrics and the vocals.
And btw, if you people want me to let you know when I throw new or updated tunes on there let me know. It can get annoying when people post about their music on other bands boards when no one cares. And I don't want to be one of those annoying people.
FrostGiant said:
And btw, if you people want me to let you know when I throw new or updated tunes on there let me know. It can get annoying when people post about their music on other bands boards when no one cares. And I don't want to be one of those annoying people.
People don't mind threads like this, the only problem is if you were a nobody who came along and posted only the thread for a bit of attention and then never again. I'm not such a regular poster here that my opinion should have any worth, but I've certainly never had a problem with any musician posting threads about their music (unless they fall in the above described category, which you don't). I actually love it, and try to download as many as possible and give my comments. I've got about 200 mp3's downloaded from people posting on these UM forums!!

I post my stuff all the time on the Opeth forum's, they don't seem to mind i don't think. I hope not ;)
Well, I will post updates then I guess. Hopefully have some soon. I'm trying to get 2 more roughed out so I can upload them this week. Thanks to all who listened. I own Green Bay on the metal charts (not a tought task, like 5 listens and you take number 1) and am close to owning Wisconsin. What that means, I don't care but it just looks kind of cool. :D
oh, yeah, i downloaded these--not bad! my problem with some of them is difficulty "fitting" the lyrics into the song. sometimes unconventional fits can work really well--such as some parts of motW songs, or Pavement stuff--and I hesitate to point out parts where it doesn't work here because i can't specifically say WHY sometimes it seems to work for me and sometimes it doesn't. but yeah, cool!
That's my huge hold up on three songs right as we speak. I'm not much of a vocalist. I especially have problems when I get faster and more agressive. I have no idea what to do then.