I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
When I became J.P Morgan, I can not say. Over the course of the past year, an elder Filipino co-worker has been approaching me with sizable loan requests. These requests range from $120-$500, all of which have been promptly paid, but that's not why there's a furrow in my brow. Seriously, who the fuck asks a borderline stranger (which most co-worker's are) for a fucking payday advancement? This Boracay canker on my resources recently asked for $300 to feed his second family back home, paid me on the Tuesday following, then hit me up not 5 days later for a $120 loan. I had 2 of the c-notes he gave me not a half dozen calendar days prior still warmly pressed against my backside, I once again obliged. Seriously, what the fuck? I know the obvious solution is to cut him off at the knees, but my one attempt to do so in the past left a major elephant in the room. Shit just felt awkward, like I spat in the face of Manny Pacquiao. The kicker, between he and his wife, they raked in 118k last year. That may be a meager pence when you're feeding 8 mouths, nevertheless, go ask your fucking relatives, and build a line of fucking credit! But above all, keep your longanesa in your pants!
That's crazy. If I was you, I'd either tell him that this situation makes you uncomfortable, or make up some tale about how you've recently fallen on hard times and would like to help, but simply can't afford to.
I'm not the only co-worker who he turns to, though I may be the biggest sap of the bunch. I reckon the other half dozen have come up with plausible pretexts to get out of the old walk of shame following the $3.50 withdrawal charge at the ATM. This man's misappropriation of his personal finances baffles me. He pays $100 a week to his brother-in-law to use his broken down jalopy. Go to fucking CarMax and get yourself a KIA for fuck sakes! His 3 kids all go to private school. I went to public, and look how good I turned out! His monthly rent is $1500 for a 2 bedroom. You can easily shave $300 off that, this isn't NYC.
This vunt just hit me up for a $600 loan. Apparently his kids need to be enrolled in to some bullshit private school for the upcoming semester. The kicker, he owes one co-worker $800 from two weeks ago. He promised to pay the lad on the 13th, but when prompted for the debt owed, he told the lad he wouldn't have it for another two weeks. Does this fuck plan on signing his check over to he and I come pay day? Pay day is a mere two days away may I add. Ohhhhhh what the fuck?!!? This is seriously driving me up a wall.

I tried beating around the bush with this cat, hoping that he would kindly decipher my qualms over these alms. Text exchange...

RIA: "I'm pretty broke until payday, spent a gang load of money this week. I could do it Friday if it's of any help. (He stated he needed the money on Wed, so I threw Friday out there to save face, that rapidly backfired)
Debtor:Yes Sir. (Ohhhhhh fark)
RIA: "How much is it that you need exactly?"
Debtor: I sent them $600 every payday, but it is late for enrollment after the 31st, cos thats the last day, blah blah blah, incoherent sentences.
RIA: I don't have $600 though, I have a bunch of bills coming up, bad timing.
Debtor: Thank You? (wuuhhhh)

Mid post update 2: I just spoke with the lad. He's sitting behind me now as I type this, Big Fucking Elephant in the room. Gah! I should just have a joint bank account with the lad and live with a clear conscious. What kind of cad puts somebody in this social predicament?
why do you feel obliged to give this guy money? i don't get it. a simple NO would do.
I feel for you. I've never been good at saying "no". If it was me, I suspect I would create some imaginary financial issue, that was going to keep me strapped for an indefinite period of time.
why do you feel obliged to give this guy money? i don't get it. a simple NO would do.

I'm a goat damn enabler bro. I do feel for the gent to an extent, but where does one draw the line? I sugarcoated it as best as I could, but any man with a tinge of intelligence would have gathered that there were plenty of pennies a jingling, but none for the collection plate. This vunt works a ton more hours than I do, and is married to a govt. worker, why the fuck should I offer assistance? The problem is that this money request was to be shipped post haste to the islands for his second family. This fucker is living a double life, raising a family at home and abroad. The wife wants nothing to do with helping his "gf" and two daughters in Manila stay afloat, therefore he turns to his co-workers to scrape up cambio on the sly. Ahhh well, that's over with, I'll just live with pachydermal ball sweat and keep my c-notes close to my breast.
I was once just like this, only with close friends rather than expendable acquaintances. Suffice it to say, time passed, amends were not made, debts weren't repaid, that shit got old, and I adopted a strict policy against doling out funds. Nobody even asks anymore. "Beware the wrath of a patient man," they say.
I'm gonna make this declaration now: Nothing to be released this year will beat out the new WOBBLER album. I expected it to be great, but not this great! Best prog album I have heard in years.

Lots of Yes influence on this one as the new vocalist is a dead ringer for Anderson. Some GG thrown in, vocal harmonies, scandinavian folk..ya know, WOBBLER. Nice organic sound to boot.
I think this cat was just about to hit me up for a payday advancement. Goat damn fortunate my other co-worker was in the room with me and prevented any "quick n loans."


Dude just sat next to me in silence, chewing sunflower seeds, and slamming his spit cup on the table in angst. Da fuq?
My answer is always "nope, I loaned money once, never got it back." That is not entirely true. I loaned $1,400 and received back $400 over several years. Not a bad investment by 2008 standards! Then one random Xmas morning a few years ago, after not talking to the dude for quite some time, I got a text message at 7am: "I have your money, give me your address and I'll send a check." I did. It never arrived. I remain in shock!

Another time before I turned the spigot terminally toward NOPE, I loaned a few bucks to a friend, and then gave him shit for it for years until he paid me back. He eventually bought me a Playstation 2 which cost about double what I initially loaned him. To date, my most profitable investment ever.