Illegal downloading.

I want to see Dragonforce live and throw noodles at Herman Lee.

Pic that if it ever happens. And run :lol:

I wanna see Sonata.....and I was told that they'll be playing for an hour. At least I hope so! So when I looked at the setlist, I was sad.

WHERE'S VICTORIA's SECRET?!?! And The Cage isn't there either...:(

eh, we'll see what happens. Maybe I'll just go after the show and get some beer with them or something.

# In Black and White
# Flag in the Ground
# 8th Commandment
# Last Drop Falls
# FullMoon
# Don't Say a Word
# Vodka

If that's the set, besides beeing extremely short it's not that bad. Nice songs and no crap from The Days Of Gheys, only the good song.

I would like to too.
Except he can kick our asses.
He trains in Brazilian Jiujitsu or something, five days a week.

But thats not good for album sales.

But he'd be drunk so he'd not get to you :)

A friend of me said that money for the record companies is good. It gets the bands the opportunity to go into studio and record new albums, so we get moar music.

Well, some of it does, but most of it goes to their bank accounts to get a second Ferrari for their summer residence :) I still buy the albums I like though. Band sure gets not much out of it, but here in Spain there's not much that I can do to help the bands beisdes buying CDs as noone tours here or at least not more than once per album.
Download illegally to check if it's good.

Buy said album in CD form.

If not, delete.

If I really respect a band enough and know that their not in it for money and their music is actually good, I will go out and buy their album.

When I see a band who already makes good ass money bitch about people downloading their music, ie. metallica, it makes me want to download their stuff more instead of pay for it.

Megadeth has always been the runner at the heels of metallica, but i've never bought a single metallica album, and i've payed for every megadeth album they've ever released. You can make money by not being a douche bag and actually being good to your fans instead of being greedy jackass's to them.

If I were in a band I would be happy just to know people are listening to my music, because at the end of your lifetime all that money isn't going to matter.

I would much rather be remembered than have a lot of money.
There are some bands who don't care about people downloading their music, probably because they think they make enough money: Deftones, NIN, Radiohead to name a few. Of course, they have nothing to prove now and they haev a good fanbase who'll still buy their albums, see them on tour, buy merch. I remember Deftones members saying they also download illegally.
Fuck, everyone does that. Today it's hypocrite to say downloading is wrong. People use stuff which has copyright all the time without permission. For example avatars, pics and so on. It's all about if people think that's wrong.
:lol: you guys hate the illegals but you say the kebabs are good aye yai yai hahahahahhaha :) :lol:

There is a difference between immigrants and kebab, immigrants you can't use for anything other than abusing welfare, kebabs you can actually eat and they taste good