p2p gone!

Tut Ankh Amon said:
that's the good thing of knowing your band will never get out of the garage: if you eventually release an album, you'd get so little money from record sales that you wouldn't even mind it being pirated :p

I can see to it :)
There is a way to stop it and I can bet you that in about 8 years from now, say cheers to pirating in some countries. Basically security is becoming hard coded as oppose to software implemetations which is easily crackable. Hard coding makes it harder but not impossible, but it will cost alot more cash thus making it almost unprofitable and discourages people from cracking it, so you will be able to pirate something but the price of it is close enough to the real thing making it stupid to actually do so.
DC++ and that shit will still be there but the ability to have pirated software on your pc gona become harder ...

A example of this kinda trend is xbox and ps2 those stuff is crackable but its gona cost you a pretty penny, this trend is gona go to extreme...

Happy days of pirating all, I would not mind them fucking up all the pron sites though.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Piration has always
I never used Napster, Kazaa, Limewire, etc. but I use methods less known and less traceable.

Ah fuck dude stop trying to be cool and sound like a fucking hacker, some us know your just a bitch, and nobody gives a fuck what you download, their not after you dumm ass their after the methods.
Anybody of you that can crack steam?? huh huh? come on bring it on mofos, there is another example of too much effort to try and pirate. I would rather have my own copy thx and enjoy free updates and online play :) Waiting for cracks and shit to come out is always a bitch